
Ulf Brefeld

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15EEMarius Kloft, Ulf Brefeld, Patrick Düssel, Christian Gehl, Pavel Laskov: Automatic feature selection for anomaly detection. AISec 2008: 71-76
14EEThoralf Klein, Ulf Brefeld, Tobias Scheffer: Exact and Approximate Inference for Annotating Graphs with Structural SVMs. ECML/PKDD (1) 2008: 611-623
13EEAlexander Zien, Ulf Brefeld, Tobias Scheffer: Transductive support vector machines for structured variables. ICML 2007: 1183-1190
12EEPeter Haider, Ulf Brefeld, Tobias Scheffer: Supervised clustering of streaming data for email batch detection. ICML 2007: 345-352
11EEUlf Brefeld, Thoralf Klein, Tobias Scheffer: Support Vector Machines for Collective Inference. MLG 2007
10EEUlf Brefeld, Thomas Gärtner, Tobias Scheffer, Stefan Wrobel: Efficient co-regularised least squares regression. ICML 2006: 137-144
9EEUlf Brefeld, Tobias Scheffer: Semi-supervised learning for structured output variables. ICML 2006: 145-152
8EEUlf Brefeld, Christoph Büscher, Tobias Scheffer: Multi-view Discriminative Sequential Learning. ECML 2005: 60-71
7 Ulf Brefeld, Christoph Büscher, Tobias Scheffer: Multi-View Hidden Markov Perceptrons. LWA 2005: 134-138
6 Andreas Abecker, Steffen Bickel, Ulf Brefeld, Isabel Drost, Nicola Henze, Olaf Herden, Mirjam Minor, Tobias Scheffer, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Stephan Weibelzahl: LWA 2004: Lernen - Wissensentdeckung - Adaptivität, Berlin, 4. - 6. Oktober 2004, Workshopwoche der GI-Fachgruppen/Arbeitskreise (1) Fachgruppe Adaptivität und Benutzermodellierung in Interaktiven Softwaresystemen (ABIS 2004), (2) Arbeitskreis Knowledge Discovery (AKKD 2004), (3) Fachgruppe Maschinelles Lernen (FGML 2004), (4) Fachgruppe Wissens- und Erfahrungsmanagement (FGWM 2004) Humbold-Universität Berlin 2004
5EEUlf Brefeld, Tobias Scheffer: Co-EM support vector learning. ICML 2004
4 Ulf Brefeld, Steffen Bickel, Tobias Scheffer: Multi-View Lernen. LWA 2004: 131
3EEPeter Geibel, Ulf Brefeld, Fritz Wysotzki: Perceptron and SVM learning with generalized cost models. Intell. Data Anal. 8(5): 439-455 (2004)
2EEUlf Brefeld, Peter Geibel, Fritz Wysotzki: Support Vector Machines with Example Dependent Costs. ECML 2003: 23-34
1EEPeter Geibel, Ulf Brefeld, Fritz Wysotzki: Learning Linear Classifiers Sensitive to Example Dependent and Noisy Costs. IDA 2003: 167-178

Coauthor Index

1Andreas Abecker [6]
2Steffen Bickel [4] [6]
3Christoph Büscher [7] [8]
4Isabel Drost [6]
5Patrick Düssel [15]
6Thomas Gärtner [10]
7Christian Gehl [15]
8Peter Geibel [1] [2] [3]
9Peter Haider [12]
10Nicola Henze [6]
11Olaf Herden [6]
12Thoralf Klein [11] [14]
13Marius Kloft [15]
14Pavel Laskov [15]
15Mirjam Minor [6]
16Tobias Scheffer [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
17Ljiljana Stojanovic [6]
18Stephan Weibelzahl [6]
19Stefan Wrobel [10]
20Fritz Wysotzki [1] [2] [3]
21Alexander Zien [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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