
Ali Bouaricha

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7EEBaolin Yang, Yu Zhu, Ali Bouaricha, Joel R. Phillips: Applications of the Multi-Interval Chebyshev Collocation Method in RF Circuit Simulation. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 27(3): 495-507 (2008)
6 Ali Bouaricha, Robert B. Schnabel: Tensor methods for large sparse systems of nonlinear equations. Math. Program. 82: 377-400 (1998)
5 Ali Bouaricha, Stephan Mueller: A Portable Parallel Implementation of a 3D Semiconductor Device Simulator. Euro-Par 1997: 840-847
4EEAli Bouaricha: Algorithm 765: STENMIN: A Software Package for Large, Sparse Unconstrained Optimization Using Tensor Methods. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 23(1): 81-90 (1997)
3EEAli Bouaricha, Robert B. Schnabel: Algorithm 768: TENSOLVE: A Software Package for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations and Nonlinear Least-Squares Problems Using Tensor Methods. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 23(2): 174-195 (1997)
2EEChristian H. Bischof, Ali Bouaricha, Peyvand M. Khademi, Jorge J. Moré: Computing Gradients in Large-Scale Optimization Using Automatic Differentiation. INFORMS Journal on Computing 9(2): 185-194 (1997)
1 Ali Bouaricha, Robert B. Schnabel: Parallel Tensor Methods for Nonlinear Equations and Nonlinear Least Squares. PPSC 1993: 639-643

Coauthor Index

1Christian H. Bischof [2]
2Peyvand M. Khademi [2]
3Jorge J. Moré [2]
4Stephan Mueller [5]
5Joel R. Phillips [7]
6Robert B. Schnabel [1] [3] [6]
7Baolin Yang [7]
8Yu Zhu [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)