
Janusz Borkowski

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31EEJanusz Borkowski, Marek Tudruj: Global States Monitoring in Execution Control of Parallel Programs. ISPDC 2008: 419-423
30EEJanusz Borkowski, Marek Tudruj: Tuning the Efficiency of Parallel Adaptive Integration with Synchronizers. PDP 2008: 351-357
29EEMarek Tudruj, Damian Kopanski, Janusz Borkowski: Dynamic Workflow Control with Global States Monitoring. ISPDC 2007: 327-332
28EEJanusz Borkowski, Marek Tudruj: Dual Communication Network in Program Control Based on Global Application State Monitoring. ISPDC 2007: 37-44
27EEJanusz Borkowski, Damian Kopanski, Marek Tudruj: Global predicate monitoring applied for control of parallel irregular computations. PDP 2007: 105-112
26EEMarek Tudruj, Damian Kopanski, Janusz Borkowski: Dynamic Control of Grid Workflows through Activities Global State Monitoring. PPAM 2007: 807-816
25EEJanusz Borkowski, Marek Tudruj: Parallel Irregular Computations with Dynamic Load Balancing through Global Consistent State Monitoring. PPAM 2007: 971-980
24EEJanusz Borkowski, Damian Kopanski, Marek Tudruj: Dynamic Workflow Implementation Based on Synchronizers. EUROMICRO-SEAA 2006: 448-455
23EEJanusz Borkowski, Damian Kopanski, Marek Tudruj: Usage of Global States-Based Application Control. ISPDC 2006: 309-316
22EEJanusz Borkowski, Damian Kopanski, Marek Tudruj: Parallel Irregular Computations Control Based on Global Predicate Monitoring. PARELEC 2006: 233-238
21EEJanusz Borkowski, Damian Kopanski, Marek Tudruj: Application Control on Grid Using Predicates Defined on Global States of Co-Operating Parallel Programs. PDP 2006: 248-255
20EEMarek Tudruj, Janusz Borkowski, Damian Kopanski: Load Balancing with Migration Based on Synchronizers in PS-GRADE Graphical Tool. ISPDC 2005: 105-112
19EEJanusz Borkowski: Measuring and improving quality of parallel application monitoring based on global states. ISPDC 2005: 113-120
18EEDamian Kopanski, Marek Tudruj, Janusz Borkowski: Applications Control on Grid with Synchronizers. PPAM 2005: 180-187
17 Marek Tudruj, Janusz Borkowski, Damian Kopanski: Graphical design of Parallel Programs with Control Based on Global Applications States using an Extended P-GRADE System. DAPSYS 2004: 113-120
16EEMarek Tudruj, Janusz Borkowski, Damian Kopanski: Parallel Program Graphical Design with Program Execution Control Based on Global Application States. ISPDC/HeteroPar 2004: 240-247
15EEJanusz Borkowski: Hierarchical Detection of Strongly Consistent Global States. ISPDC/HeteroPar 2004: 256-261
14EEDamian Kopanski, Janusz Borkowski, Marek Tudruj: Co-Ordination of Parallel GRID Applications using Synchronizers. PARELEC 2004: 323-327
13EEJanusz Borkowski: Parallel Program Control Based on Hierarchically Detected Consistent Global States. PARELEC 2004: 328-333
12EEJanusz Borkowski: Strongly Consistent Global State Detection for On-line Control of Distributed Applications. PDP 2004: 126-133
11EEJanusz Borkowski, Marek Tudruj, Damian Kopanski: Graphical Design Tool for Parallel Programs with Execution Control Based on Global Application States. ISPDC 2003: 37-42
10EEJanusz Borkowski: Strongly Consistent Global States Detection Using Relative Clock Errors. ISPDC 2003: 43-49
9EEJanusz Borkowski, Damian Kopanski, Marek Tudruj: Implementing Control in Parallel Programs by Synchronization-Driven Activation and Cancellation. PDP 2003: 316-323
8EEJanusz Borkowski: Global Predicates for Online Control of Distributed Applications. PPAM 2003: 269-277
7EEJanusz Borkowski, Marek Tudruj, Damian Kopanski: Parallel Program Design Tool with Application Control Methods Based on Global States. PPAM 2003: 338-343
6EEJanusz Borkowski, Damian Kopanski, Marek Tudruj: Adding Advanced Synchronization to Processes in GRADE. PARELEC 2002: 139-144
5EEJanusz Borkowski, Marek Rulak: Parallel Simulation of Liquid Flow Using LGA Model. PARELEC 2002: 273-276
4EEJanusz Borkowski: Region-Based Petri Nets for Modeling Interrupts and Cancellations. PARELEC 2002: 67-71
3EEJanusz Borkowski: Interrupt and Cancellation as Synchronization Methods. PPAM 2001: 3-9
2EEJanusz Borkowski: Towards More Powerful and Flexible Synchronization Primitives. PARELEC 2000: 18-23
1EEJanusz Borkowski: On Line Visualization or Combining the Standard ORNL PVM with a Vendor PVM Implementation. PVM/MPI 1999: 157-164

Coauthor Index

1Damian Kopanski [6] [7] [9] [11] [14] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [26] [27] [29]
2Marek Rulak [5]
3Marek Tudruj [6] [7] [9] [11] [14] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)