
Christian Bonnet

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28EEHuu-Nghia Nguyen, Christian Bonnet: Scalable proxy mobile IPv6 for heterogeneous wireless networks. Mobility Conference 2008: 64
27EEHuu-Nghia Nguyen, Christian Bonnet: An Intelligent Tunneling Framework for Always Best Connected Support in Network Mobility (NEMO). WCNC 2008: 3021-3026
26EEJérôme Härri, Christian Bonnet, Fethi Filali: Kinetic mobility management applied to vehicular ad hoc network protocols. Computer Communications 31(12): 2907-2924 (2008)
25EEMarco Fiore, Jérôme Härri, Fethi Filali, Christian Bonnet: Vehicular Mobility Simulation for VANETs. Annual Simulation Symposium 2007: 301-309
24EELamia Romdhani, Christian Bonnet: Crossaid (XAid): towards a new scalable cross-layer architecture for manets. MOBIWAC 2007: 148-154
23EEJérôme Härri, Christian Bonnet, Fethi Filali: Kinetic graphs: a framework for capturing the dynamics of mobile structures in manet. PM2HW2N 2007: 88-91
22EEJérôme Härri, Fethi Filali, Christian Bonnet: Rethinking the Overhead of Geo-Localization Information for Vehicular Communications. VTC Fall 2007: 2111-2115
21EELamia Romdhani, Christian Bonnet: A cross-layer feature for an efficient forwarding strategy in wireless ad hoc networks. AINA (1) 2006: 741-746
20EEHicham Anouar, Christian Bonnet: Optimal constant-window backoff scheme for IEEE 802.11 DCF in finite load single-hop wireless networks. MSWiM 2006: 277-281
19EEJérôme Härri, Fethi Filali, Christian Bonnet, Marco Fiore: VanetMobiSim: generating realistic mobility patterns for VANETs. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 2006: 96-97
18EEJ. C. Dunat, David Grandblaise, Christian Bonnet: Collaborative Allocation of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex Sub-Carriers using the Swarm Intelligence. JCM 1(1): 68-76 (2006)
17EEJérôme Härri, Fethi Filali, Christian Bonnet: On the Application of Mobility Predictions to Multipoint Relaying in MANETs: Kinetic Multipoint Relays. AINTEC 2005: 143-156
16EEJérôme Härri, Navid Nikaein, Christian Bonnet: Trajectory knowledge for improving topology control in mobile ad-hoc networks. CoNEXT 2005: 1-9
15EEMarceau Coupechoux, Bruno Baynat, Christian Bonnet, Vinod Kumar: CROMA - An Enhanced Slotted MAC Protocol for MANETs. MONET 10(1-2): 183-197 (2005)
14 Farouk Belghoul, Yan Moret, Christian Bonnet: Mécanismes de handover pour les réseaux IP sans fil. Technique et Science Informatiques 24(1): 7-37 (2005)
13EELamia Romdhani, Christian Bonnet: Energy Consumption Speed-Based Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2004: 729-734
12 Farouk Belghoul, Yan Moret, Christian Bonnet: Performance Analysis on IP - based Soft Handover across ALL-IP Wireless Networks. IWUC 2004: 83-93
11EEMarceau Coupechoux, T. Lestable, Christian Bonnet, Vinod Kumar: Throughput of the Multi-hop Slotted Aloha with Multi-packet Reception. WONS 2004: 301-314
10EENavid Nikaein, Christian Bonnet: Topology Management for Improving Routing and Network Performances in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. MONET 9(6): 583-594 (2004)
9 Farouk Belghoul, Yan Moret, Christian Bonnet: Eurecom IPv6 Soft Handover. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2003: 169-174
8EEFarouk Belghoul, Yan Moret, Christian Bonnet: IP-Based Handover Management over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. LCN 2003: 772-773
7EENeda Nikaein, Christian Bonnet: QoS-based adaptive error control for wireless networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(1): 37-50 (2003)
6 Marceau Coupechoux, Christian Bonnet, Vinod Kumar: A Scheduling Policy for Dense and Highly Mobile Ad hoc Networks. WMAN 2002: 29-40
5EEMasato Hayashi, Christian Bonnet: A New Method for Scalable and Reliable Multicast System for Mobile Networks. ICN (2) 2001: 31-40
4 Neda Nikaein, Houda Labiod, Christian Bonnet: MA/FEC: A QoS-Based Adaptive FEC for Multicast Communication in Wireless Networks. ICC (2) 2000: 954-958
3EENavid Nikaein, Houda Labiod, Christian Bonnet: DDR: distributed dynamic routing algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks. MobiHoc 2000: 19-27
2 Christian Bonnet: Using PVM in Wireless Network Environments. PVM 1996: 296-300
1 Jean-François Caillet, Christian Bonnet, Barbara Raither: High Level Interpretaton of Execution Traces of Ada Tasks. ESEC 1987: 309-317

Coauthor Index

1Hicham Anouar [20]
2Bruno Baynat [15]
3Farouk Belghoul [8] [9] [12] [14]
4Jean-François Caillet [1]
5Marceau Coupechoux [6] [11] [15]
6J. C. Dunat [18]
7Fethi Filali [17] [19] [22] [23] [25] [26]
8Marco Fiore [19] [25]
9David Grandblaise [18]
10Jérôme Härri [16] [17] [19] [22] [23] [25] [26]
11Masato Hayashi [5]
12Vinod Kumar [6] [11] [15]
13Houda Labiod [3] [4]
14T. Lestable [11]
15Yan Moret [8] [9] [12] [14]
16Huu-Nghia Nguyen [27] [28]
17Navid Nikaein [3] [10] [16]
18Neda Nikaein [4] [7]
19Barbara Raither [1]
20Lamia Romdhani [13] [21] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)