
Holger Bischof

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11EEHolger Bischof, Sergei Gorlatch: A cost-optimal parallel implementation of a tridiagonal system solver using skeletons. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(4): 737-742 (2005)
10EEHolger Bischof, Sergei Gorlatch, Roman Leshchinskiy, Jens Müller: Data Parallelism in C++ Template Programs: a Barnes-hut Case Study. Parallel Processing Letters 15(3): 257-272 (2005)
9EEHolger Bischof, Sergei Gorlatch, Roman Leshchinskiy: Generic Parallel Programming Using C++ Templates and Skeletons. Domain-Specific Program Generation 2003: 107-126
8EEHolger Bischof, Sergei Gorlatch, Emanuel Kitzelmann: Cost Optimality and Predictability of Parallel Programming with Skeletons. Euro-Par 2003: 682-693
7EEHolger Bischof, Sergei Gorlatch, Emanuel Kitzelmann: Design and Implementation of a Cost-Optimal Parallel Tridiagonal System Solver Using Skeletons. PaCT 2003: 415-428
6EEHolger Bischof, Sergei Gorlatch, Roman Leshchinskiy: DatTel: A Data-Parallel C++ Template Library. Parallel Processing Letters 13(3): 461-472 (2003)
5EEHolger Bischof, Sergei Gorlatch, Emanuel Kitzelmann: Cost Optimality And Predictability Of Parallel Programming With Skeletons. Parallel Processing Letters 13(4): 575-587 (2003)
4EEHolger Bischof, Sergei Gorlatch: Double-Scan: Introducing and Implementing a New Data-Parallel Skeleton. Euro-Par 2002: 640-647
3EEMartin Alt, Holger Bischof, Sergei Gorlatch: Algorithm Design and Performance Prediction in a Java-Based Grid System with Skeletons. Euro-Par 2002: 899-906
2EEMartin Alt, Holger Bischof, Sergei Gorlatch: Program Development for Computational Grids Using Skeletons and Performance Prediction. Parallel Processing Letters 12(2): 157-174 (2002)
1 Sergei Gorlatch, Holger Bischof: A Generic MPI Implementation for a Data-Parallel Skeleton: Formal Derivation and Application to FFT. Parallel Processing Letters 8(4): 447-458 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Martin Alt [2] [3]
2Sergei Gorlatch [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
3Emanuel Kitzelmann [5] [7] [8]
4Roman Leshchinskiy [6] [9] [10]
5Jens Müller [10]

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