
Michaël Quisquater

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6EELouis Goubin, Jean-Michel Masereel, Michaël Quisquater: Cryptanalysis of White Box DES Implementations. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2007: 278-295
5EEMichaël Quisquater, Bart Preneel, Joos Vandewalle: Spectral characterization of cryptographic Boolean functions satisfying the (extended) propagation criterion of degree l and order k. Inf. Process. Lett. 93(1): 25-28 (2005)
4EEAlex Biryukov, Christophe De Cannière, Michaël Quisquater: On Multiple Linear Approximations. CRYPTO 2004: 1-22
3 Michaël Quisquater, Bart Preneel, Joos Vandewalle: A new inequality in discrete Fourier theory. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(8): 2038-2040 (2003)
2EEMichaël Quisquater, Bart Preneel, Joos Vandewalle: On the Security of the Threshold Scheme Based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Public Key Cryptography 2002: 199-210
1EEJean-Jacques Quisquater, Myriam Quisquater, Muriel Quisquater, Michaël Quisquater, Louis C. Guillou, Marie Annick Guillou, Gaïd Guillou, Anna Guillou, Gwenolé Guillou, Soazig Guillou, Thomas A. Berson: How to Explain Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Your Children. CRYPTO 1989: 628-631

Coauthor Index

1Thomas A. Berson [1]
2Alex Biryukov [4]
3Christophe De Cannière [4]
4Louis Goubin [6]
5Anna Guillou [1]
6Gaïd Guillou [1]
7Gwenolé Guillou [1]
8Louis C. Guillou [1]
9Marie Annick Guillou [1]
10Soazig Guillou [1]
11Jean-Michel Masereel [6]
12Bart Preneel [2] [3] [5]
13Jean-Jacques Quisquater [1]
14Muriel Quisquater [1]
15Myriam Quisquater [1]
16Joos Vandewalle [2] [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)