
Jesse D. Bingham

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11EEZvonimir Rakamaric, Jesse D. Bingham, Alan J. Hu: An Inference-Rule-Based Decision Procedure for Verification of Heap-Manipulating Programs with Mutable Data and Cyclic Data Structures. VMCAI 2007: 106-121
10EEJesse D. Bingham, Zvonimir Rakamaric: A Logic and Decision Procedure for Predicate Abstraction of Heap-Manipulating Programs. VMCAI 2006: 207-221
9EEDomagoj Babic, Jesse D. Bingham, Alan J. Hu: B-Cubing: New Possibilities for Efficient SAT-Solving. IEEE Trans. Computers 55(11): 1315-1324 (2006)
8EEDomagoj Babic, Jesse D. Bingham, Alan J. Hu: Efficient SAT solving: beyond supercubes. DAC 2005: 744-749
7EEMichael R. Marty, Jesse D. Bingham, Mark D. Hill, Alan J. Hu, Milo M. K. Martin, David A. Wood: Improving Multiple-CMP Systems Using Token Coherence. HPCA 2005: 328-339
6EEJesse D. Bingham, Alan J. Hu: Empirically Efficient Verification for a Class of Infinite-State Systems. TACAS 2005: 77-92
5EEJesse D. Bingham: A New Approach to Upward-Closed Set Backward Reachability Analysis. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 138(3): 37-48 (2005)
4EEJesse D. Bingham, Anne Condon, Alan J. Hu, Shaz Qadeer, Zhichuan Zhang: Automatic Verification of Sequential Consistency for Unbounded Addresses and Data Values. CAV 2004: 427-439
3EEJesse D. Bingham, Anne Condon, Alan J. Hu: Toward a decidable notion of sequential consistency. SPAA 2003: 304-313
2EEJesse D. Bingham, Alan J. Hu: Semi-formal Bounded Model Checking. CAV 2002: 280-294
1 Jesse D. Bingham, Micaela Serra: Solving Hamiltonian Cycle on FPGA Technology via Instance to Circuit Mappings. PDPTA 2000

Coauthor Index

1Domagoj Babic [8] [9]
2Anne Condon [3] [4]
3Mark D. Hill [7]
4Alan J. Hu [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11]
5Milo M. K. Martin [7]
6Michael R. Marty [7]
7Shaz Qadeer [4]
8Zvonimir Rakamaric [10] [11]
9Micaela Serra [1]
10David A. Wood [7]
11Zhichuan Zhang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)