
Pascal Berthou

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3EEPhilippe Owezarski, Pascal Berthou, Yann Labit, David Gauchard: LaasNetExp: a generic polymorphic platform for network emulation and experiments. TRIDENTCOM 2008: 24
2EEAntonio Pietrabissa, Tiziano Inzerilli, Olivier Alphand, Pascal Berthou, Thierry Gayraud, Michel Mazzella, Eddy Fromentin, Fabrice Lucas: Validation of a QoS architecture for DVB-RCS satellite networks via the SATIP6 demonstration platform. Computer Networks 49(6): 797-815 (2005)
1 Thierry Gayraud, Pascal Berthou, Philippe Owezarski, Michel Diaz: M3POC: A Multimedia Multicast Transport Protocol for Cooperative Applications. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (III) 2000: 1627-1630

Coauthor Index

1Olivier Alphand [2]
2Michel Diaz [1]
3Eddy Fromentin [2]
4David Gauchard [3]
5Thierry Gayraud [1] [2]
6Tiziano Inzerilli [2]
7Yann Labit [3]
8Fabrice Lucas [2]
9Michel Mazzella [2]
10Philippe Owezarski [1] [3]
11Antonio Pietrabissa [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)