
Tiziano Inzerilli

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4EETiziano Inzerilli, Anna Maria Vegni, Alessandro Neri, Roberto Cusani: A Location-Based Vertical Handover Algorithm for Limitation of the Ping-Pong Effect. WiMob 2008: 385-389
3EERoberto Cusani, Tiziano Inzerilli, Luca Valentini: Network monitoring and performance evaluation in a 3.5G network. Computer Networks 51(15): 4412-4420 (2007)
2EEAntonio Pietrabissa, Tiziano Inzerilli, Olivier Alphand, Pascal Berthou, Thierry Gayraud, Michel Mazzella, Eddy Fromentin, Fabrice Lucas: Validation of a QoS architecture for DVB-RCS satellite networks via the SATIP6 demonstration platform. Computer Networks 49(6): 797-815 (2005)
1EETiziano Inzerilli, E. Paone, Antonio Pietrabissa, G. Tarquini: QoS support for interactive communication with DVB/RCS satellites. ISCC 2004: 897-902

Coauthor Index

1Olivier Alphand [2]
2Pascal Berthou [2]
3Roberto Cusani [3] [4]
4Eddy Fromentin [2]
5Thierry Gayraud [2]
6Fabrice Lucas [2]
7Michel Mazzella [2]
8Alessandro Neri [4]
9E. Paone [1]
10Antonio Pietrabissa [1] [2]
11G. Tarquini [1]
12Luca Valentini [3]
13Anna Maria Vegni [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)