
Philippe Owezarski

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25EEPhilippe Owezarski, Pascal Berthou, Yann Labit, David Gauchard: LaasNetExp: a generic polymorphic platform for network emulation and experiments. TRIDENTCOM 2008: 24
24EEOlivier Bonaventure, Augustin Chaintreau, Laurent Mathy, Philippe Owezarski: The CoNEXT shadow TPC. Computer Communication Review 38(2): 85-86 (2008)
23EEEric Alata, Ion Alberdi, Vincent Nicomette, Philippe Owezarski, Mohamed Kaâniche: Internet attacks monitoring with dynamic connection redirection mechanisms. Journal in Computer Virology 4(2): 127-136 (2008)
22EESilvia Farraposo, Philippe Owezarski, Edmundo Monteiro: NADA - Network Anomaly Detection Algorithm. DSOM 2007: 191-194
21EESilvia Farraposo, Philippe Owezarski, Edmundo Monteiro: A Multi-Scale Tomographic Algorithm for Detecting and Classifying Traffic Anomalies. ICC 2007: 363-370
20EEAntoine Scherrer, Nicolas Larrieu, Philippe Owezarski, Pierre Borgnat, Patrice Abry: Non-Gaussian and Long Memory Statistical Characterizations for Internet Traffic with Anomalies. IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec. Comput. 4(1): 56-70 (2007)
19EESilvia Farraposo, Philippe Owezarski, Edmundo Monteiro: Contribution of Anomalies Detection and Analysis on Traffic Engineering. INFOCOM 2006
18 Michel Diaz, Arturo Azcorra, Philippe Owezarski, Serge Fdida: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM Conference on Emerging Network Experiment and Technology, CoNEXT 2005, Toulouse, France, October 24-27, 2005 ACM 2005
17EESilvia Farraposo, Philippe Owezarski, Edmundo Monteiro: On the Use of Traffic Monitoring and Measurements for Improving Networking. AICT/SAPIR/ELETE 2005: 416-421
16EENicolas Larrieu, Philippe Owezarski: Measurement based networking approach applied to congestion control in the multi-domain Internet. Integrated Network Management 2005: 485-498
15EENicolas Larrieu, Philippe Owezarski: Towards a Measurement Based Networking approach for Internet QoS improvement. Computer Communications 28(3): 259-273 (2005)
14EEPhilippe Owezarski, Nicolas Larrieu: Internet Traffic Characterization - An Analysis of Traffic Oscillations. HSNMC 2004: 96-107
13 Nicolas Larrieu, Philippe Owezarski: De l'utilisation des mesures de trafic pour l'ingénierie des réseaux de l'internet. Technique et Science Informatiques 23(5-6): 701-731 (2004)
12EENicolas Larrieu, Philippe Owezarski: TFRC Contribution to Internet QoS Improvement. QofIS 2003: 73-82
11EEPhilippe Owezarski, Nicolas Larrieu: Coherent charging of differentiated services in the internet depending on congestion control aggressiveness. Computer Communications 26(13): 1445-1456 (2003)
10EEPhilippe Owezarski: Does IPv6 Improve the Scalability of the Internet? IDMS/PROMS 2002: 130-140
9EEPhilippe Owezarski: IP Network Monitoring and Measurements: Techniques and Experiences (Tutorial). IDMS/PROMS 2002: 367
8EEChadi Barakat, Patrick Thiran, Gianluca Iannaccone, Christophe Diot, Philippe Owezarski: A flow-based model for internet backbone traffic. Internet Measurement Workshop 2002: 35-47
7EEChuck Fraleigh, Christophe Diot, Bryan Lyles, Sue B. Moon, Philippe Owezarski, Dina Papagiannaki, Fouad A. Tobagi: Design and Deployment of a Passive Monitoring Infrastructure. IWDC 2001: 556-575
6EEPhilippe Owezarski: Enforcing Multipoint Multimedia Synchronisation in Videoconferencing Applications. IDMS 2000: 65-76
5 Thierry Gayraud, Pascal Berthou, Philippe Owezarski, Michel Diaz: M3POC: A Multimedia Multicast Transport Protocol for Cooperative Applications. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (III) 2000: 1627-1630
4 Michel Diaz, Philippe Owezarski, Patrick Sénac: Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services, 6th International Workshop, IDMS '99, Toulouse, France, October 12-15, 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
3 Philippe Owezarski, Michel Diaz: New architecture for enforcing multimedia synchronization in videoconferencing applications. Telecommunication Systems 11(1-2): 161-185 (1999)
2EEMarc Boyer, Philippe Owezarski, Michel Diaz: Dynamic QoS Renegotiation in the PNSVS Videoconferencing Application. IDMS 1998: 171-182
1EEThierry Villemur, Philippe Owezarski, Michel Diaz: N-TSVS: a Videoconference Tool for Generic Cooperative Groups. MMM 1998: 102-111

Coauthor Index

1Patrice Abry [20]
2Eric Alata [23]
3Ion Alberdi [23]
4Arturo Azcorra [18]
5Chadi Barakat [8]
6Pascal Berthou [5] [25]
7Olivier Bonaventure [24]
8Pierre Borgnat [20]
9Marc Boyer [2]
10Augustin Chaintreau [24]
11Michel Diaz [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [18]
12Christophe Diot [7] [8]
13Silvia Farraposo [17] [19] [21] [22]
14Serge Fdida [18]
15Chuck Fraleigh [7]
16David Gauchard [25]
17Thierry Gayraud [5]
18Gianluca Iannaccone [8]
19Mohamed Kaâniche [23]
20Yann Labit [25]
21Nicolas Larrieu [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [20]
22Bryan Lyles [7]
23Laurent Mathy [24]
24Edmundo Monteiro [17] [19] [21] [22]
25Sue B. Moon [7]
26Vincent Nicomette [23]
27Dina Papagiannaki [7]
28Antoine Scherrer [20]
29Patrick Sénac [4]
30Patrick Thiran [8]
31Fouad A. Tobagi [7]
32Thierry Villemur [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)