
Nevio Benvenuto

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13EEMatteo Trivellato, Stefano Tomasin, Nevio Benvenuto: Channel Quantization and Feedback Optimization in Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Downlink Systems. GLOBECOM 2008: 3835-3839
12EENevio Benvenuto, Paola Bisaglia, Federico Boccardi: Joint Optimum Linear Precoding and Power Control Strategies for Downlink MC-CDMA Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(5): 769-777 (2008)
11EEDaniele Veronesi, Stefano Tomasin, Nevio Benvenuto: Cross-Layer Optimization for Multimedia Traffic in CDMA Cellular Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(4): 1379-1388 (2008)
10EENevio Benvenuto, Ermanna Conte, Stefano Tomasin, Matteo Trivellato: Predictive Channel Quantization and Beamformer Design for MIMO-BC with Limited Feedback. GLOBECOM 2007: 3607-3611
9EENevio Benvenuto, Daniele Veronesi: On Determining the Sum Capacity of a Multi-Spot OFDM System. VTC Spring 2007: 2707-2711
8EENevio Benvenuto, Giambattista Carnevale, Stefano Tomasin: Joint Power Control and Receiver Optimization of CDMA Transceivers Using Successive Interference Cancellation. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(3): 563-573 (2007)
7EENevio Benvenuto, Federico Boccardi, Giambattista Carnevale: Frequency Domain Realization of Space-Time Receivers in Dispersive Wireless Channels. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(1): 313-326 (2007)
6EENevio Benvenuto, Stefano Tomasin: Iterative design and detection of a DFE in the frequency domain. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(11): 1867-1875 (2005)
5EENevio Benvenuto, Paola Bisaglia, Filippo Tosato: Pre-equalization with subband channel loading: a technique to maximize throughput in uplink OFDM-CDMA systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(4): 564-568 (2005)
4EENevio Benvenuto, Federico Boccardi, Giambattista Carnevale: On low-complexity joint-detection techniques for TD-CDMA. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(5): 2027-2034 (2005)
3EEStefano Tomasin, Nevio Benvenuto: Frequency-domain interference cancellation and nonlinear equalization for CDMA systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(5): 2329-2339 (2005)
2 Nevio Benvenuto, Giovanna Sostrato: Joint detection with low computational complexity for hybrid TD-CDMA systems. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 19(2): 245-253 (2001)
1 Nevio Benvenuto, Antonio Salloum, Luciano Tomba: Performance of Digital DECT Radio Links Based on Semianalytical Methods. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15(4): 667-676 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Paola Bisaglia [5] [12]
2Federico Boccardi [4] [7] [12]
3Giambattista Carnevale [4] [7] [8]
4Ermanna Conte [10]
5Antonio Salloum [1]
6Giovanna Sostrato [2]
7Stefano Tomasin [3] [6] [8] [10] [11] [13]
8Luciano Tomba [1]
9Filippo Tosato [5]
10Matteo Trivellato [10] [13]
11Daniele Veronesi [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)