
Stuart Bennett

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11EEG. Latif-Shabgahi, Julian M. Bass, Stuart Bennett: Multiple Error Filtering in Cyclic Systems. Comput. J. 47(3): 299-308 (2004)
10EEG. Latif-Shabgahi, Julian M. Bass, Stuart Bennett: A taxonomy for software voting algorithms used in safety-critical systems. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 53(3): 319-328 (2004)
9EEPetru Cascaval, Stuart Bennett, Corneliu Hutanu: Efficient March Tests for a Reduced 3-Coupling and 4-Coupling Faults in Random-Access Memories. J. Electronic Testing 20(3): 227-243 (2004)
8EEG. Latif-Shabgahi, Stuart Bennett, Julian M. Bass: Smoothing voter: a novel voting algorithm for handling multiple errors in fault-tolerant control systems. Microprocessors and Microsystems 27(7): 303-313 (2003)
7EED. N. Ramos-Hernandez, Peter J. Fleming, Stuart Bennett, S. Hope, Julian M. Bass, M. J. Baxter: Process Control Systems Integration Using Object Oriented Technology. TOOLS (38) 2001: 148-160
6EEChris W. Clegg, Belen Icasati-Johanson, Stuart Bennett: E-business: boom or gloom? Behaviour & IT 20(4): 293-298 (2001)
5EEG. Latif-Shabgahi, Julian M. Bass, Stuart Bennett: Component-oriented voter model for dependable control applications. Microprocessors and Microsystems 25(3): 167-176 (2001)
4EEG. Latif-Shabgahi, Stuart Bennett: Adaptive Majority Voter: A Novel Voting Algorithm for Real-Time Fault-Tolerant Control Systems. EUROMICRO 1999: 2113-
3EEYudi Purwantoro, Stuart Bennett: Decomposition Technique for Integrated Dependability Evaluation of Hardware-Software Systems Using Stochastic Activity Networks. EUROMICRO 1999: 2142-2145
2EEG. Latif-Shabgahi, Julian M. Bass, Stuart Bennett: Simulation of a Component-Oriented Voter Library for Dependable Control Applications. EUROMICRO 1998: 10372-10378
1EEJulian M. Bass, G. Latif-Shabgahi, Stuart Bennett: Experimental Comparison of Voting Algorithms in Cases of Disagreement. EUROMICRO 1997: 516-523

Coauthor Index

1Julian M. Bass [1] [2] [5] [7] [8] [10] [11]
2M. J. Baxter [7]
3Petru Cascaval [9]
4Chris W. Clegg (Christopher Clegg) [6]
5Peter J. Fleming [7]
6S. Hope [7]
7Corneliu Hutanu [9]
8Belen Icasati-Johanson [6]
9G. Latif-Shabgahi [1] [2] [4] [5] [8] [10] [11]
10Yudi Purwantoro [3]
11D. N. Ramos-Hernandez [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)