
Mohammed Benjelloun

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12EEMohammed Benjelloun, Saïd Mahmoudi: Spine Localization in X-ray Images Using Interest Point Detection. J. Digital Imaging 22(3): 309-318 (2009)
11EEMohammed Benjelloun, G. Rico, Saïd Mahmoudi, R. Prévot: Vertebral Mobility Analysis Using Anterior Faces Detection. ACIVS 2007: 897-908
10EESaïd Mahmoudi, Mohammed Benjelloun: A New Approach for Cervical Vertebrae Segmentation. CIARP 2007: 753-762
9 Laurent Bourgois, Gilles Roussel, Mohammed Benjelloun: Inversion of a semi-physical ode model. ICINCO-ICSO 2007: 364-371
8 Khalid Touil, Mourad Zribi, Mohammed Benjelloun: Using the transferable belief model to vehicle navigation system. ICINCO-RA 2006: 10-17
7EEMohammed Benjelloun, Saïd Mahmoudi, Horacio Tellez: Vertebrae EDGE Detection and Motion Estimation with Polar Signature. ICIP 2006: 761-764
6EEMohammed Benjelloun, Horacio Tellez, Saïd Mahmoudi: Vertebra Edge Detection Using Polar Signature. ICPR (1) 2006: 476-479
5EESerge Reboul, Mohammed Benjelloun: Joint segmentation of the wind speed and direction. Signal Processing 86(4): 744-759 (2006)
4EEMohammed Benjelloun: Segmentation and Feature Extraction to Evaluate the Stomach Dynamic. CRV 2005: 437-443
3 Stanislas Boutoille, Serge Reboul, Mohammed Benjelloun: Multi-band GPS signal tracking in a high dynamic maneuvering situation. ICINCO 2005: 258-263
2EEPatrick Lanvin, Jean-Charles Noyer, Mohammed Benjelloun: An hardware architecture for 3D object tracking and motion estimation. ICME 2005: 326-329
1EEJean-Charles Noyer, Christophe Boucher, Mohammed Benjelloun: 3d Structure and Motion Estimation from Range and Intensity Images Using Particle Filtering. Int. J. Image Graphics 5(3): 639-662 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Christophe Boucher [1]
2Laurent Bourgois [9]
3Stanislas Boutoille [3]
4Patrick Lanvin [2]
5Saïd Mahmoudi [6] [7] [10] [11] [12]
6Jean-Charles Noyer [1] [2]
7R. Prévot [11]
8Serge Reboul [3] [5]
9G. Rico [11]
10Gilles Roussel [9]
11Horacio Tellez [6] [7]
12Khalid Touil [8]
13Mourad Zribi [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)