
Thomas Bauer

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37EEYuanjie Zheng, Chandra Kambhamettu, Jingyi Yu, Thomas Bauer, Karl Steiner: FuzzyMatte: A computationally efficient scheme for interactive matting. CVPR 2008
36 Alena Hallerbach, Thomas Bauer, Manfred Reichert: Managing Process Variants in the Process Life Cycle. ICEIS (3-2) 2008: 154-161
35EEYuanjie Zheng, Chandra Kambhamettu, Thomas Bauer, Karl Steiner: Estimation of Ground-Glass Opacity Measurement in CT Lung Images. MICCAI (2) 2008: 238-245
34 Alena Hallerbach, Thomas Bauer, Manfred Reichert: Modellierung und Darstellung von Prozessvarianten in Provop. Modellierung 2008: 41-56
33EETobias Unger, Thomas Bauer: Towards a Standardized Task Management. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008
32 Thomas Bauer, Heiko Stallbaum, Andreas Metzger, Robert Eschbach: Risikobasierte Ableitung und Priorisierung von Testfällen für den modellbasierten Systemtest. Software Engineering 2008: 99-111
31EERalph Bobrik, Manfred Reichert, Thomas Bauer: View-Based Process Visualization. BPM 2007: 88-95
30EEYuanjie Zheng, Karl Steiner, Thomas Bauer, Jingyi Yu, Dinggang Shen, Chandra Kambhamettu: Lung Nodule Growth Analysis from 3D CT Data with a Coupled Segmentation and Registration Framework. ICCV 2007: 1-8
29EEManfred Reichert, Thomas Bauer: Supporting Ad-Hoc Changes in Distributed Workflow Management Systems. OTM Conferences (1) 2007: 150-168
28EERalph Bobrik, Thomas Bauer: Towards Configurable Process Visualizations with Proviado. WETICE 2007: 367-369
27 Thomas Bauer, Ralph Bobrik: Applikationsübergreifendes Monitoring von Geschäftsprozessen. EMISA Forum 27(1): 14-19 (2007)
26EERob Law, Thomas Bauer, Karin Weber, Tony Tse: Towards a Rough Classification of Business Travelers. ADMA 2006: 135-142
25EEBirgit Burmeister, Hans-Peter Steiert, Thomas Bauer, Hartwig Baumgärtel: Agile Processes Through Goal- and Context-Oriented Business Process Modeling. Business Process Management Workshops 2006: 217-228
24EERalph Bobrik, Thomas Bauer, Manfred Reichert: Proviado - Personalized and Configurable Visualizations of Business Processes. EC-Web 2006: 61-71
23 Stefanie Rinderle, Ralph Bobrik, Manfred Reichert, Thomas Bauer: Business Process Visualization - Use Cases, Challenges, Solutions. ICEIS (3) 2006: 204-211
22EERalph Bobrik, Manfred Reichert, Thomas Bauer: Requirements for the Visualization of System-Spanning Business Processes. DEXA Workshops 2005: 948-954
21EEThomas Bauer: Integration von prozessorientierten Anwendungen. EAI 2005
20EEThomas Bauer, Jens Herrmann, Peter Liggesmeyer, Christopher Robinson-Mallett: A flexible integration strategy for in-car telematics systems. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-7 (2005)
19 Thomas Bauer: Integration von prozessorientierten Anwendungen. EMISA Forum 25(2): 27-34 (2005)
18EEThomas Bauer: Integration heterogener Applikationstypen durch Workflow-Management-Technologie. EAI 2004
17 Thomas Bauer: Visualisierung laufender Prozesse. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2004: 543-548
16 Thomas Bauer, Manfred Reichert: Dynamic Change of Server Assignments in Distributed Workflow Management Systems. ICEIS (1) 2004: 91-98
15EEManfred Reichert, Peter Dadam, Thomas Bauer: Dealing with forward and backward jumps in workflow management systems. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 18(3-4): 132-151 (2004)
14EEThomas Bauer: Kooperation von Projekt- und Workflow-Management-Systemen. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 19(2): 74-86 (2004)
13EEThomas Bauer, Manfred Reichert, Peter Dadam: Intra-Subnet Load Balancing in Distributed Workflow Management Systems. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 12(3): 295-324 (2003)
12 Manfred Reichert, Peter Dadam, Thomas Bauer: Dealing with Forward and Backward Jumps in Workflow Management Systems. Software and System Modeling 2(1): 37-58 (2003)
11 Thomas Bauer, Ludwig Hitzenberger, Marcus E. Hennecke: Effects of Manual Phonetic Transcriptions on Recognition Accuracy of Streetnames. ISI 2002: 21-26
10 Manfred Reichert, Thomas Bauer, Thomas Fries, Peter Dadam: Modellierung planbarer Abweichungen in Workflow-Management-Systemen. Modellierung 2002: 183-194
9 Thomas Bauer, Manfred Reichert: Dynamische Änderung von Serverzuordnungen in verteilten Workflow-Management-Systemen. Datenbank-Spektrum 4: 59-67 (2002)
8 Thomas Bauer, Manfred Reichert, Peter Dadam: Adaptives und verteiltes Workflow-Management. BTW 2001: 47-66
7 Thomas Bauer, Manfred Reichert, Peter Dadam: Dynamische Ablaufänderung in verteilten Workflow-Management-Systemen. Datenbank-Spektrum 1: 68-77 (2001)
6EEThomas Bauer, Manfred Reichert, Peter Dadam: Effiziente Uebertragung von Prozessinstanzdaten in verteilten Workflow-Management-Systemen. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 16(2): 76-92 (2001)
5EEThomas Bauer, Peter Dadam: Efficient Distributed Workflow Management Based on Variable Server Assignments. CAiSE 2000: 94-109
4EEThomas Bauer, Peter Dadam: Efficient Distributed Control of Enterprise-Wide and Cross-Enterprise Workflows. Enterprise-wide and Cross-enterprise Workflow Management 1999: 25-32
3EEManfred Reichert, Thomas Bauer, Peter Dadam: Enterprise-Wide and Cross-Enterprise Workflow-Management: Challenges and Research Issues for Adaptive Workflows. Enterprise-wide and Cross-enterprise Workflow Management 1999: 56-64
2EEThomas Bauer, Peter Dadam: Verteilungsmodelle für Workflow-Management-Systeme - Klassifikation und Simulation. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 14(4): 203-217 (1999)
1EEThomas Bauer, Peter Dadam: A Distributed Execution Environment for Large-Scale Workflow Management Systems with Subnets and Server Migration. CoopIS 1997: 99-108

Coauthor Index

1Hartwig Baumgärtel [25]
2Ralph Bobrik [22] [23] [24] [27] [28] [31]
3Birgit Burmeister [25]
4Peter Dadam [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [12] [13] [15]
5Robert Eschbach [32]
6Thomas Fries [10]
7Alena Hallerbach [34] [36]
8Marcus E. Hennecke [11]
9Jens Herrmann [20]
10Ludwig Hitzenberger [11]
11Chandra Kambhamettu [30] [35] [37]
12Rob Law [26]
13Peter Liggesmeyer [20]
14Andreas Metzger [32]
15Manfred Reichert [3] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [15] [16] [22] [23] [24] [29] [31] [34] [36]
16Stefanie Rinderle-Ma (Stefanie Rinderle) [23]
17Christopher Robinson-Mallett [20]
18Dinggang Shen [30]
19Heiko Stallbaum [32]
20Hans-Peter Steiert [25]
21Karl Steiner [30] [35] [37]
22Tony Tse [26]
23Tobias Unger [33]
24Karin Weber [26]
25Jingyi Yu [30] [37]
26Yuanjie Zheng [30] [35] [37]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)