
Rob Law

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15EERosanna Leung, Rob Law: Analyzing a Hotel Website's Access Paths. ENTER 2008: 255-266
14EEShanShan Qi, Rosanna Leung, Rob Law, Dimitrios Buhalis: A Study of Information Richness and Downloading Time for Hotel Websites in Hong Kong. ENTER 2008: 267-278
13EEXunkai Wei, Rob Law, Lei Zhang, Yue Feng, Yan Dong, Yinghong Li: A fast coreset minimum enclosing ball kernel machines. IJCNN 2008: 3366-3373
12EERob Law, Henry Mok, Carey Goh: Data Mining in Tourism Demand Analysis: A Retrospective Analysis. ADMA 2007: 508-515
11EEXin Xu, Rob Law, Tao Wu: Classification of Business Travelers Using SVMs Combined with Kernel Principal Component Analysis. ADMA 2007: 524-532
10EERob Law, Gang Li: A Causal Analysis for the Expenditure Data of Business Travelers. ADMA 2007: 545-552
9EENoor Hazarina Hashim, Jamie Murphy, Rob Law: A Review of Hospitality Website Design Frameworks. ENTER 2007: 219-230
8EEQ. Shanshan, Dimitrios Buhalis, Rob Law: Evaluation of the Usability of Chinese Destination Management Organisation Websites. ENTER 2007: 267-278
7EEMandy Lo, Rob Law: Towards a Web-based Marketing Process Framework for City-based National Tourism Organizations. ENTER 2007: 353-364
6EERob Law, Mike M. S. Chang: Online Pricing Practice of Air Tickets: The Case of Hong Kong. ENTER 2007: 513-522
5EERosanna Leung, Rob Law: Analyzing Research Collaborations of Information Technology Publications in Leading Hospitality and Tourism Journals: 1986-2005. ENTER 2007: 547-556
4EEFleming Woo, Romas Mikusauskas, Dean Bartlett, Rob Law: A framework for the effective adoption of software development methodologies. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2006: 198-203
3EERob Law, Thomas Bauer, Karin Weber, Tony Tse: Towards a Rough Classification of Business Travelers. ADMA 2006: 135-142
2EEFleming Woo, Romas Mikusauskas, Dean Bartlett, Rob Law: Is OO the Systems Development Technology for Your Organization? SERA 2006: 354-363
1EERob Law: Fuzzy Evaluation of Hotel Websites. ADMA 2005: 507-514

Coauthor Index

1Dean Bartlett [2] [4]
2Thomas Bauer [3]
3Dimitrios Buhalis [8] [14]
4Mike M. S. Chang [6]
5Yan Dong [13]
6Yue Feng [13]
7Carey Goh [12]
8Noor Hazarina Hashim [9]
9Rosanna Leung [5] [14] [15]
10Gang Li [10]
11Yinghong Li [13]
12Mandy Lo [7]
13Romas Mikusauskas [2] [4]
14Henry Mok [12]
15Jamie Murphy [9]
16ShanShan Qi [14]
17Q. Shanshan [8]
18Tony Tse [3]
19Karin Weber [3]
20Xunkai Wei [13]
21Fleming Woo [2] [4]
22Tao Wu [11]
23Xin Xu [11]
24Lei Zhang [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)