
Birgit Burmeister

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10EEBirgit Burmeister, M. Arnold, Felicia Copaciu, Giovanni Rimassa: BDI-agents for agile goal-oriented business processes. AAMAS (Industry Track) 2008: 37-44
9EEGiovanni Rimassa, Birgit Burmeister: Achieving Business Process Agility in Engineering Change Management with Agent Technology. WOA 2007: 1-7
8EEBirgit Burmeister, Hans-Peter Steiert, Thomas Bauer, Hartwig Baumgärtel: Agile Processes Through Goal- and Context-Oriented Business Process Modeling. Business Process Management Workshops 2006: 217-228
7EEBirgit Burmeister, Tobias Ihde, Thomas Kittsteiner, Benny Moldovanu, Jörg Nikutta: A Practical Approach to Multi-Attribute Auctions. DEXA Workshops 2002: 670-674
6 Birgit Burmeister: Agenten-basierte Informations- und Dienste-Integration am Beispiel Fahrplanauskunft - trafficNet. Datenbank Rundbrief 21: 57-62 (1998)
5 Birgit Burmeister, Afsaneh Haddadi, Guido Matylis: Application of multi-agent systems in traffic and transportation. IEE Proceedings - Software 144(1): 51-60 (1997)
4 Birgit Burmeister, Afsaneh Haddadi, Kurt Sundermeyer: Generic, Configurable, Cooperation Protocols for Multi-Agent Systems. MAAMAW 1993: 157-171
3 Birgit Burmeister, Kurt Sundermeyer: Domänen-unabhängiges Kooperatives Problemlösen. KI 6(1): 12-16 (1992)
2 Birgit Burmeister: MAAMAW '91. KI 6(1): 33-35 (1992)
1 Birgit Burmeister: Bericht von der ECAI '90. KI 4(4): 36-37 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1M. Arnold [10]
2Thomas Bauer [8]
3Hartwig Baumgärtel [8]
4Felicia Copaciu [10]
5Afsaneh Haddadi [4] [5]
6Tobias Ihde [7]
7Thomas Kittsteiner [7]
8Guido Matylis [5]
9Benny Moldovanu [7]
10Jörg Nikutta [7]
11Giovanni Rimassa [9] [10]
12Hans-Peter Steiert [8]
13Kurt Sundermeyer [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)