
E. Frank Barry

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4EEJames B. Fenwick Jr., Cindy Norris, E. Frank Barry, Josh Rountree, Cole J. Spicer, Scott D. Cheek: Another look at the behaviors of novice programmers. SIGCSE 2009: 296-300
3EECindy Norris, E. Frank Barry, James B. Fenwick Jr., Kathryn Reid, Josh Rountree: ClockIt: collecting quantitative data on how beginning software developers really work. ITiCSE 2008: 37-41
2EEE. Frank Barry, Christopher C. Ellsworth, Barry L. Kurtz, James T. Wilkes: Beyond objects-first: a project-driven CS2 course. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2006: 164-168
1EEE. Frank Barry, Christopher C. Ellsworth, Barry L. Kurtz, James T. Wilkes: Teaching OO methodology in a project-driven CS2 course. OOPSLA Companion 2005: 338-343

Coauthor Index

1Scott D. Cheek [4]
2Christopher C. Ellsworth [1] [2]
3James B. Fenwick Jr. [3] [4]
4Barry L. Kurtz [1] [2]
5Cindy Norris [3] [4]
6Kathryn Reid [3]
7Josh Rountree [3] [4]
8Cole J. Spicer [4]
9James T. Wilkes [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)