
Dante Augusto Couto Barone

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14EETibério S. Caetano, Terry Caelli, Dale Schuurmans, Dante Augusto Couto Barone: Graphical Models and Point Pattern Matching. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(10): 1646-1663 (2006)
13EETibério S. Caetano, Terry Caelli, Dante Augusto Couto Barone: Graphical Models for Graph Matching. CVPR (2) 2004: 466-473
12EEEdson Prestes e Silva Jr., Anderson P. Ferrugem, Marco Aurélio Pires Idiart, Dante Augusto Couto Barone: A Perceptual User Interface Using Mean Shift. IBERAMIA 2004: 590-599
11EETibério S. Caetano, Terry Caelli, Dante Augusto Couto Barone: A Comparison of Junction Tree and Relaxation Algorithms for Point Matching using Different Distance Metrics. ICPR (2) 2004: 124-127
10EETibério S. Caetano, Terry Caelli, Dante Augusto Couto Barone: An Optimal Probabilistic Graphical Model for Point Set Matching. SSPR/SPR 2004: 162-170
9EEEvandro Franzen, Dante Augusto Couto Barone: Automatic Discovery of Brazilian Portuguese Letter to Phoneme Conversion Rules through Genetic Programming. PROPOR 2003: 62-65
8EEAdriano Petry, Dante Augusto Couto Barone: Preliminary experiments in speaker verification using time-dependent largest Lyapunov exponents. Computer Speech & Language 17(4): 403-413 (2003)
7EETibério S. Caetano, Sílvia D. Olabarriaga, Dante Augusto Couto Barone: Do mixture models in chromaticity space improve skin detection? Pattern Recognition 36(12): 3019-3021 (2003)
6 Eduardo do Valle Simões, Dante Augusto Couto Barone: Predation: An Approach to Improving the Evolution of Real Robots with a Distributed Evolutionary Controller. ICRA 2002: 664-669
5EETibério S. Caetano, Sílvia D. Olabarriaga, Dante Augusto Couto Barone: Performance Evaluation of Single and Multiple-Gaussian Models for Skin Color Modeling. SIBGRAPI 2002: 275-282
4EETibério S. Caetano, Dante Augusto Couto Barone: A Probabilistic Model for the Human Skin Color. ICIAP 2001: 279-283
3 André Gustavo Adami, Dante Augusto Couto Barone: A speaker identification system using a model of artificial neural networks for an elevator application. Inf. Sci. 138(1-4): 1-5 (2001)
2EEHenrique Oliveira da Silva, Dante Augusto Couto Barone: Agentes EDI como ferramenta de apoio a Sistemas de Informacao baseado em Web. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 13: 100-107 (2001)
1EEEduardo do Valle Simões, Luís Felipe Uebel, Dante Augusto Couto Barone: Hardware implementation of RAM neural networks. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(4): 421-429 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1André Gustavo Adami [3]
2Terry Caelli (Terry M. Caelli) [10] [11] [13] [14]
3Tibério S. Caetano [4] [5] [7] [10] [11] [13] [14]
4Anderson P. Ferrugem [12]
5Evandro Franzen [9]
6Marco Aurélio Pires Idiart [12]
7Sílvia Delgado Olabarriaga (Sílvia D. Olabarriaga) [5] [7]
8Adriano Petry [8]
9Dale Schuurmans [14]
10Henrique Oliveira da Silva [2]
11Edson Prestes e Silva Jr. [12]
12Eduardo do Valle Simões [1] [6]
13Luís Felipe Uebel [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)