
Santiago Rementeria

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4 Santiago Rementeria: Dynamic Schedule for Effective On-Line Connection Pruning. Neural Processing Letters 14(1): 1-14 (2001)
3EESantiago Rementeria, Xabier Olabe: A heuristic approach to structural and parametric change in artificial neural networks. EUROMICRO 1997: 556-563
2 Santiago Rementeria, Xabier Olabe: On Simultaneous Weight and Architecture Learning. IWANN 1997: 501-509
1EESergio Bandinelli, Santiago Rementeria: Software reuse introduction requires a process perspective. ISPW 1996: 32-34

Coauthor Index

1Sergio Bandinelli [1]
2Xabier Olabe [2] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)