
Edwin P. D. Pednault

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23EEA. Dorneich, Ramesh Natarajan, Edwin P. D. Pednault, Fateh Tipu: Embedded predictive modeling in a parallel relational database. SAC 2006: 569-574
22EEEdwin P. D. Pednault: Transform Regression and the Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem. SDM 2006
21EEChidanand Apté, Se June Hong, Ramesh Natarajan, Edwin P. D. Pednault, Fateh Tipu, Sholom M. Weiss: Data-intensive analytics for predictive modeling. IBM Journal of Research and Development 47(1): 17-24 (2003)
20EENaoki Abe, Edwin P. D. Pednault, Haixun Wang, Bianca Zadrozny, Wei Fan, Chidanand Apté: Empirical Comparison of Various Reinforcement Learning Strategies for Sequential Targeted Marketing. ICDM 2002: 3-10
19EEEdwin P. D. Pednault, Naoki Abe, Bianca Zadrozny: Sequential cost-sensitive decision making with reinforcement learning. KDD 2002: 259-268
18EERamesh Natarajan, Edwin P. D. Pednault: Segmented Regression Estimators for Massive Data Sets. SDM 2002
17EEChidanand Apté, Bing Liu, Edwin P. D. Pednault, Padhraic Smyth: Business applications of data mining. Commun. ACM 45(8): 49-53 (2002)
16EEChidanand Apté, Ramesh Natarajan, Edwin P. D. Pednault, Fateh Tipu: A probabilistic estimation framework for predictive modeling analytics. IBM Systems Journal 41(3): 438-448 (2002)
15EEChidanand Apté, E. Bibelnieks, Ramesh Natarajan, Edwin P. D. Pednault, Fateh Tipu, Deb Campbell, Bryan Nelson: Segmentation-based modeling for advanced targeted marketing. KDD 2001: 408-413
14EEEdwin P. D. Pednault: Deep issues: representation is everything. Commun. ACM 43(8): 80-83 (2000)
13EEChidanand Apté, Se June Hong, Jonathan R. M. Hosking, Jorge Lepre, Edwin P. D. Pednault, Barry K. Rosen: Decomposition of Heterogeneous Classification Problems. Intell. Data Anal. 2(1-4): 81-96 (1998)
12EEChidanand Apté, Se June Hong, Jonathan R. M. Hosking, Jorge Lepre, Edwin P. D. Pednault, Barry K. Rosen: Decomposition of Heterogeneous Classification Problems. IDA 1997: 17-28
11 Edwin P. D. Pednault: ADL and the State-Transition Model of Action. J. Log. Comput. 4(5): 467-512 (1994)
10 Ofer Matan, Henry S. Baird, Jane Bromley, Christopher J. C. Burges, John S. Denker, Lawrence D. Jackel, Yann LeCun, Edwin P. D. Pednault, William Satterfield, Charles E. Stenard, Timothy J. Thompson: Reading Handwritten Digits: A ZIP Code Recognition System. IEEE Computer 25(7): 59-63 (1992)
9 Edwin P. D. Pednault: Generalizing Nonlinear Planning to Handle Complex Goals and Actions with Context-Dependent Effects. IJCAI 1991: 240-245
8 Edwin P. D. Pednault: Minimal-Length Encoding and Inductive Inference. Knowledge Discovery in Databases 1991: 71-92
7 Edwin P. D. Pednault: Theory and Application of Minimal-Length Encoding: 1990 AAAI Spring Symposium Report. AI Magazine 11(5): 94-96 (1991)
6 Edwin P. D. Pednault: Some Experiments in Applying Inductive Inference Principles to Surface Reconstruction. IJCAI 1989: 1603-1609
5 Edwin P. D. Pednault: ADL: Exploring the Middle Ground Between STRIPS and the Situation Calculus. KR 1989: 324-332
4 Edwin P. D. Pednault: Extending Conventional Planning Techniques to Handle Actions with Context-Depen dent Effects. AAAI 1988: 55-59
3 Edwin P. D. Pednault: Infering Probabilistic Theofies from Data. AAAI 1988: 624-628
2 Edwin P. D. Pednault: Synthesizing plans that contain actions with context-dependent effects. Computational Intelligence 4: 356-372 (1988)
1 Edwin P. D. Pednault, Steven W. Zucker, L. V. Muresan: On the Independence Assumption Underlying Subjective Bayesian Updating. Artif. Intell. 16(2): 213-222 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Naoki Abe [19] [20]
2Chidanand Apté [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [20] [21]
3Henry S. Baird [10]
4E. Bibelnieks [15]
5Jane Bromley [10]
6Christopher J. C. Burges (Chris Burges) [10]
7Deb Campbell [15]
8John S. Denker [10]
9A. Dorneich [23]
10Wei Fan [20]
11Se June Hong [12] [13] [21]
12Jonathan R. M. Hosking [12] [13]
13Lawrence D. Jackel [10]
14Yann LeCun [10]
15Jorge Lepre [12] [13]
16Bing Liu [17]
17Ofer Matan [10]
18L. V. Muresan [1]
19Ramesh Natarajan [15] [16] [18] [21] [23]
20Bryan Nelson [15]
21Barry K. Rosen [12] [13]
22William Satterfield [10]
23Padhraic Smyth [17]
24Charles E. Stenard [10]
25Timothy J. Thompson [10]
26Fateh Tipu [15] [16] [21] [23]
27Haixun Wang [20]
28Sholom M. Weiss [21]
29Bianca Zadrozny [19] [20]
30Steven W. Zucker [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)