
Franco Bagnoli

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16EEFranco Bagnoli, Raúl Rechtman: Entropy and Chaos in a Lattice Gas Cellular Automata. ACRI 2008: 120-127
15EEIan X. Y. Leung, Gareth Gibbs, Franco Bagnoli, Anil Sorathiya, Pietro Liò: Contact Network Modeling of Flu Epidemics. ACRI 2008: 354-361
14EEZdena Koukolíková-Nicola, Pietro Liò, Franco Bagnoli: Inference on Missing Values in Genetic Networks Using High-Throughput Data. EvoBIO 2008: 106-116
13EEViet Anh Nguyen, Zdena Koukolíková-Nicola, Franco Bagnoli, Pietro Liò: Bayesian Inference on Hidden Knowledge in High-Throughput Molecular Biology Data. PRICAI 2008: 829-838
12EEFranco Bagnoli, Andrea Guazzini, Pietro Liò: Human Heuristics for Autonomous Agents CoRR abs/0801.3048: (2008)
11EEFrancesca Di Patti, Franco Bagnoli: Biologically Inspired Classifier. BIOWIRE 2007: 332-339
10EEFranco Bagnoli, Andrea Guazzini, Pietro Liò: Human Heuristics for Autonomous Agents. BIOWIRE 2007: 340-351
9EEFranco Bagnoli, Francesca Di Patti: A Biologically Inspired Classifier CoRR abs/0711.2615: (2007)
8EELuca Sguanci, Pietro Liò, Franco Bagnoli: The Influence of Risk Perception in Epidemics: A Cellular Agent Model. ACRI 2006: 321-329
7EELuca Sguanci, Franco Bagnoli, Duccio Fanelli: A Cellular Automata Model for Ripple Dynamics. ACRI 2006: 407-416
6EELuca Sguanci, Pietro Liò, Franco Bagnoli: Modeling Evolutionary Dynamics of HIV Infection. CMSB 2006: 196-211
5EEFranco Bagnoli, Carlo Guardiani: Sympatric Speciation Through Assortative Mating in a Long-Range Cellular Automaton. ACRI 2004: 405-414
4EEFranco Bagnoli, Fabio Franci, Raúl Rechtman: Chaos in a Simple Cellular Automaton Model of a Uniform Society. ACRI 2004: 513-522
3EEFranco Bagnoli, Fabio Franci, Francesco Mugelli, Andrea Sterbini: WebTeach in practice: the entrance test to the Engineering faculty in Florence CoRR cs.HC/0310013: (2003)
2EEFranco Bagnoli, Fabio Franci, Raúl Rechtman: Opinion Formation and Phase Transitions in a Probabilistic Cellular Automaton with Two Absorbing States. ACRI 2002: 249-258
1EEFranco Bagnoli, Fabio Franci, Andrea Sterbini: WebTeach: an integrated web-based cooperative environment for distance teaching. SEKE 2002: 519-520

Coauthor Index

1Duccio Fanelli [7]
2Fabio Franci [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Gareth Gibbs [15]
4Carlo Guardiani [5]
5Andrea Guazzini [10] [12]
6Zdena Koukolíková-Nicola [13] [14]
7Ian X. Y. Leung [15]
8Pietro Liò [6] [8] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15]
9Francesco Mugelli [3]
10Viet Anh Nguyen [13]
11Francesca Di Patti [9] [11]
12Raúl Rechtman [2] [4] [16]
13Luca Sguanci [6] [7] [8]
14Anil Sorathiya [15]
15Andrea Sterbini [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)