
Eitan Bachmat

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17EELior Aronovich, Ron Asher, Eitan Bachmat, Haim Bitner, Michael Hirsch, Shmuel T. Klein: The design of a similarity based deduplication system. SYSTOR 2009: 6
16EEEitan Bachmat, Michael Elkin: Bounds on the performance of back-to-front airplane boarding policies. Oper. Res. Lett. 36(5): 597-601 (2008)
15EEEitan Bachmat, Tao-Kai Lam, Avner Magen: Analysis of set-up time models: A metric perspective. Theor. Comput. Sci. 401(1-3): 172-180 (2008)
14EEEitan Bachmat: Average Case Analysis of Disk Scheduling, Increasing Subsequences and Spacetime Geometry. Algorithmica 49(3): 212-231 (2007)
13EEBoaz Rafaely, Barak Weiss, Eitan Bachmat: Spatial Aliasing in Spherical Microphone Arrays. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(3): 1003-1010 (2007)
12EERon Arnan, Eitan Bachmat, Tao-Kai Lam, Ruben Michel: Dynamic data reallocation in disk arrays. TOS 3(1): (2007)
11EEEitan Bachmat, Tao-Kai Lam, Avner Magen: A Rigorous Analysis for Set-Up Time Models - A Metric Perspective. COCOON 2006: 387-397
10EENoga Alon, Eitan Bachmat: Regular graphs whose subgraphs tend to be acyclic. Random Struct. Algorithms 29(3): 324-337 (2006)
9EEEitan Bachmat, Vladimir Braverman: Batched disk scheduling with delays. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 33(4): 36-41 (2006)
8EEEitan Bachmat, Daniel Berend, Luba Sapir, Steven Skiena: Airplane Boarding, Disk Scheduling and Space-Time Geometry. AAIM 2005: 192-202
7EEEitan Bachmat: On the performance of D-redundant disk systems. QEST 2005: 105-113
6EEEitan Bachmat, Tao-Kai Lam: On the effect of a configuration choice on the performance of a mirrored storage system. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(3): 382-395 (2005)
5EEEitan Bachmat: On the performance of D-redundant storage systems. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 31(2): 26-27 (2003)
4EEEitan Bachmat, Jiri Schindler: Analysis of methods for scheduling low priority disk drive tasks. SIGMETRICS 2002: 55-65
3EEEitan Bachmat: Average case analysis for batched disk scheduling and increasing subsequences. STOC 2002: 277-286
2EEEitan Bachmat: Recent results in mathematical modeling and performance evaluation of disks and disk array. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 28(4): 24-26 (2001)
1EEEitan Bachmat: Average case analysis for batched disk scheduling and increasing subsequences. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 29(3): 15-16 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Noga Alon [10]
2Ron Arnan [12]
3Lior Aronovich [17]
4Ron Asher [17]
5Daniel Berend [8]
6Haim Bitner [17]
7Vladimir Braverman [9]
8Michael Elkin [16]
9Michael Hirsch [17]
10Shmuel Tomi Klein (Shmuel T. Klein) [17]
11Tao-Kai Lam [6] [11] [12] [15]
12Avner Magen [11] [15]
13Ruben Michel [12]
14Boaz Rafaely [13]
15Luba Sapir [8]
16Jiri Schindler [4]
17Steven Skiena [8]
18Barak Weiss [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)