
Michael Elkin

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48EEMichael Elkin, Yuval Lando, Zeev Nutov, Michael Segal, Hanan Shpungin: Novel Algorithms for the Network Lifetime Problem in Wireless Settings. ADHOC-NOW 2008: 425-438
47EEYefim Dinitz, Michael Elkin, Shay Solomon: Shallow-Low-Light Trees, and Tight Lower Bounds for Euclidean Spanners. FOCS 2008: 519-528
46EELeonid Barenboim, Michael Elkin: Sublogarithmic distributed MIS algorithm for sparse graphs using nash-williams decomposition. PODC 2008: 25-34
45EEMichael Elkin: Low Stretch Spanning Trees. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
44EEMichael Elkin: Sparse Graph Spanners. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
43EEMichael Elkin: Synchronizers, Spanners. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
42EEYefim Dinitz, Michael Elkin, Shay Solomon: Shallow, Low, and Light Trees, and Tight Lower Bounds for Euclidean Spanners CoRR abs/0801.3581: (2008)
41EELeonid Barenboim, Michael Elkin: Distributed (Delta + 1)-coloring in linear (in Delta) time CoRR abs/0812.1379: (2008)
40EEEitan Bachmat, Michael Elkin: Bounds on the performance of back-to-front airplane boarding policies. Oper. Res. Lett. 36(5): 597-601 (2008)
39EEMichael Elkin, Yuval Emek, Daniel A. Spielman, Shang-Hua Teng: Lower-Stretch Spanning Trees. SIAM J. Comput. 38(2): 608-628 (2008)
38EEMichael Elkin: Streaming and Fully Dynamic Centralized Algorithms for Constructing and Maintaining Sparse Spanners. ICALP 2007: 716-727
37EEMichael Elkin: A near-optimal distributed fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining sparse spanners. PODC 2007: 185-194
36EEMichael Elkin, Guy Kortsarz: An improved algorithm for radio broadcast. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 3(1): (2007)
35EEMichael Elkin, Christian Liebchen, Romeo Rizzi: New length bounds for cycle bases. Inf. Process. Lett. 104(5): 186-193 (2007)
34EEMichael Elkin, David Peleg: The Hardness of Approximating Spanner Problems. Theory Comput. Syst. 41(4): 691-729 (2007)
33EEMichael Elkin, Guy Kortsarz: An Approximation Algorithm for the Directed Telephone Multicast Problem. Algorithmica 45(4): 569-583 (2006)
32EEMichael Elkin: A near-optimal fully dynamic distributed algorithm for maintaining sparse spanners CoRR abs/cs/0611001: (2006)
31EEMichael Elkin, Jian Zhang: Efficient algorithms for constructing (1+epsilon, beta)-spanners in the distributed and streaming models. Distributed Computing 18(5): 375-385 (2006)
30EEMichael Elkin, Guy Kortsarz: Sublogarithmic approximation for telephone multicast. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 72(4): 648-659 (2006)
29EEMichael Elkin: A faster distributed protocol for constructing a minimum spanning tree. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 72(8): 1282-1308 (2006)
28EEMichael Elkin: An Unconditional Lower Bound on the Time-Approximation Trade-off for the Distributed Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. SIAM J. Comput. 36(2): 433-456 (2006)
27EEDon Coppersmith, Michael Elkin: Sparse Sourcewise and Pairwise Distance Preservers. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 20(2): 463-501 (2006)
26EEMichael Elkin, Guy Kortsarz: Improved schedule for radio broadcast. SODA 2005: 222-231
25EEDon Coppersmith, Michael Elkin: Sparse source-wise and pair-wise distance preservers. SODA 2005: 660-669
24EEMichael Elkin, Yuval Emek, Daniel A. Spielman, Shang-Hua Teng: Lower-stretch spanning trees. STOC 2005: 494-503
23EEMichael Elkin: Computing almost shortest paths. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 1(2): 283-323 (2005)
22EEMichael Elkin, Guy Kortsarz: A Combinatorial Logarithmic Approximation Algorithm for the Directed Telephone Broadcast Problem. SIAM J. Comput. 35(3): 672-689 (2005)
21EEBéla Bollobás, Don Coppersmith, Michael Elkin: Sparse Distance Preservers and Additive Spanners. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19(4): 1029-1055 (2005)
20EEMichael Elkin, Guy Kortsarz: Polylogarithmic Additive Inapproximability of the Radio Broadcast Problem. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19(4): 881-899 (2005)
19EEMichael Elkin, David Peleg: Approximating k-spanner problems for kge2. Theor. Comput. Sci. 337(1-3): 249-277 (2005)
18EEMichael Elkin, Guy Kortsarz: Polylogarithmic Inapproximability of the Radio Broadcast Problem. APPROX-RANDOM 2004: 105-116
17EEMichael Elkin, Jian Zhang: Efficient algorithms for constructing (1+, varepsilon;, beta)-spanners in the distributed and streaming models. PODC 2004: 160-168
16EEMichael Elkin: A faster distributed protocol for constructing a minimum spanning tree. SODA 2004: 359-368
15EEMichael Elkin: Unconditional lower bounds on the time-approximation tradeoffs for the distributed minimum spanning tree problem. STOC 2004: 331-340
14EEMichael Elkin, Daniel A. Spielman, Shang-Hua Teng: Lower-Stretch Spanning Trees CoRR cs.DS/0411064: (2004)
13EEMichael Elkin, Guy Kortsarz: Logarithmic inapproximability of the radio broadcast problem. J. Algorithms 52(1): 8-25 (2004)
12EEMichael Elkin, David Peleg: (1+epsilon, beta)-Spanner Constructions for General Graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 33(3): 608-631 (2004)
11EEMichael Elkin: Distributed approximation: a survey. SIGACT News 35(4): 40-57 (2004)
10EEMichael Elkin, Guy Kortsarz: Approximation Algorithm for Directed Telephone Multicast Problem. ICALP 2003: 212-223
9EEBéla Bollobás, Don Coppersmith, Michael Elkin: Sparse distance preservers and additive spanners. SODA 2003: 414-423
8EEMichael Elkin, Guy Kortsarz: Sublogarithmic approximation for telephone multicast: path out of jungle. SODA 2003: 76-85
7EEMichael Elkin, Guy Kortsarz: Combinatorial logarithmic approximation algorithm for directed telephone broadcast problem. STOC 2002: 438-447
6EEMichael Elkin, David Peleg: Approximating k-Spanner Problems for k>2. IPCO 2001: 90-104
5EEMichael Elkin: Computing almost shortest paths. PODC 2001: 53-62
4 Michael Elkin, David Peleg: The Client-Server 2-Spanner Problem with Applications to Network Design. SIROCCO 2001: 117-132
3EEMichael Elkin, David Peleg: (1+epsilon, beta)-spanner constructions for general graphs. STOC 2001: 173-182
2EEMichael Elkin, David Peleg: Strong Inapproximability of the Basic k-Spanner Problem. ICALP 2000: 636-647
1EEMichael Elkin, David Peleg: The Hardness of Approximating Spanner Problems. STACS 2000: 370-381

Coauthor Index

1Eitan Bachmat [40]
2Leonid Barenboim [41] [46]
3Béla Bollobás [9] [21]
4Don Coppersmith [9] [21] [25] [27]
5Yefim Dinitz [42] [47]
6Yuval Emek [24] [39]
7Guy Kortsarz [7] [8] [10] [13] [18] [20] [22] [26] [30] [33] [36]
8Yuval Lando [48]
9Christian Liebchen [35]
10Zeev Nutov [48]
11David Peleg [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [12] [19] [34]
12Romeo Rizzi [35]
13Michael Segal [48]
14Hanan Shpungin [48]
15Shay Solomon [42] [47]
16Daniel A. Spielman [14] [24] [39]
17Shang-Hua Teng [14] [24] [39]
18Jian Zhang [17] [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)