
Ruben Michel

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3EERon Arnan, Eitan Bachmat, Tao-Kai Lam, Ruben Michel: Dynamic data reallocation in disk arrays. TOS 3(1): (2007)
2EERuben Michel, Gadi Taubenfeld, Andrew Berman: A connection between random variables and latin k-cubes. Discrete Mathematics 146(1-3): 313-320 (1995)
1 Ruben Michel: A Categorical Approach to Distributed Systems Expressibility and Knowledge. PODC 1989: 129-143

Coauthor Index

1Ron Arnan [3]
2Eitan Bachmat [3]
3Andrew Berman [2]
4Tao-Kai Lam [3]
5Gadi Taubenfeld [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)