
Marco Paluszny

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10EEMarianela Lentini, Marco Paluszny: Approximation of meander-like regions by paths of lemniscatic sectors and the computation of orthogonal meshes. Computer Aided Geometric Design 25(9): 729-737 (2008)
9EEMarco Paluszny: Cubic polynomial patches through geodesics. Computer-Aided Design 40(1): 56-61 (2008)
8EEJ. Franquiz, Marco Paluszny, F. Tovar: Cyclides and the guiding circle. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 73(1-4): 168-174 (2006)
7EEGabriel Arcos, Guillermo Montilla, José Ortega, Marco Paluszny: Shape control of 3D lemniscates. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 73(1-4): 21-27 (2006)
6EEJavier Sánchez-Reyes, Marco Paluszny: Weighted radial displacement: A geometric look at Bézier conics and quadrics. Computer Aided Geometric Design 17(3): 267-289 (2000)
5EEMarco Paluszny, Richard R. Patterson: Geometric control of G2-cubic A-splines. Computer Aided Geometric Design 15(3): 261-287 (1998)
4EEMarco Paluszny, Wolfgang Böhm: General cyclides. Computer Aided Geometric Design 15(7): 699-710 (1998)
3EEMarco Paluszny, Hartmut Prautzsch, Martin Schäfer: A geometric look at corner cutting. Computer Aided Geometric Design 14(5): 421-447 (1997)
2EEMarco Paluszny, Richard R. Patterson: A Family of Tangent Continuous Cubic Algebraic Splines. ACM Trans. Graph. 12(3): 209-232 (1993)
1 Marco Paluszny: A Combinatorial Formula for Rational Numbers. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 37(1): 69-72 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Gabriel Arcos [7]
2Wolfgang Böhm [4]
3J. Franquiz [8]
4Marianela Lentini [10]
5Guillermo Montilla [7]
6José Ortega [7]
7Richard R. Patterson [2] [5]
8Hartmut Prautzsch [3]
9Javier Sánchez-Reyes [6]
10Martin Schäfer [3]
11F. Tovar [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)