
Günter Böckle

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14EEGünter Böckle: Innovation Management for Product Line Engineering Organizations. SPLC 2005: 124-134
13EEGünter Böckle, Paul C. Clements, John D. McGregor, Dirk Muthig, Klaus Schmid: Calculating ROI for Software Product Lines. IEEE Software 21(3): 23-31 (2004)
12EEGünter Böckle, Paul C. Clements, John D. McGregor, Dirk Muthig, Klaus Schmid: A Cost Model for Software Product Lines. PFE 2003: 310-316
11EEGünter Böckle, Jesús Bermejo Muñoz, Peter Knauber, Charles W. Krueger, Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite, Frank van der Linden, Linda M. Northrop, Michael Stark, David M. Weiss: Adopting and Institutionalizing a Product Line Culture. SPLC 2002: 49-59
10EEPeter Knauber, Jesús Bermejo Muñoz, Günter Böckle, Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite, Frank van der Linden, Linda M. Northrop, Michael Stark, David M. Weiss: Quantifying Product Line Benefits. PFE 2001: 155-163
9EEGünter Böckle, Klaus Schmid: Product Validation: Discussion Report. PFE 2001: 342-345
8EEJoachim Bayer, Günter Böckle: Session Report for Session 2: Process Issues. PFE 2001: 79-82
7EEGünter Böckle: Discussion Report ``Business'' Session. IW-SAPF 2000: 63-64
6 Günter Böckle: Model-based requirements engineering for product lines. SPLC 2000: 193-204
5 Günter Böckle, Hermann Hellwagner, Roland Lepold, Gerd Sandweg, Burghardt Schallenberger, Raimar Thudt, Stefan Wallstab: Structured Evaluation of Computer Systems. IEEE Computer 29(6): 45-51 (1996)
4 Günter Böckle: Exploitation of Fine-Grain Parallelism. Springer 1995
3 Günter Böckle, Hermann Hellwagner: Systematic Assessment of Computer Systems Architectures. GI Jahrestagung 1994: 310-317
2 Günter Böckle, Christof Störmann, Isolde Wildgruber: Methods for Exploitation of Fine-Grained Parallelism. Parallel Computer Architectures 1993: 118-132
1 Günter Böckle, F. J. Schmid, Helmuth Schmitt, Siegfried Trosch: Modellierung und Simulation von Speicherhierarchien. Simulationstechnik 1984: 91-96

Coauthor Index

1Joachim Bayer [8]
2Paul C. Clements [12] [13]
3Hermann Hellwagner [3] [5]
4Peter Knauber [10] [11]
5Charles W. Krueger [11]
6Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite [10] [11]
7Roland Lepold [5]
8Frank van der Linden [10] [11]
9John D. McGregor [12] [13]
10Jesús Bermejo Muñoz [10] [11]
11Dirk Muthig [12] [13]
12Linda M. Northrop [10] [11]
13Gerd Sandweg [5]
14Burghardt Schallenberger [5]
15F. J. Schmid [1]
16Klaus Schmid [9] [12] [13]
17Helmuth Schmitt [1]
18Michael Stark [10] [11]
19Christof Störmann [2]
20Raimar Thudt [5]
21Siegfried Trosch [1]
22Stefan Wallstab [5]
23David M. Weiss [10] [11]
24Isolde Wildgruber [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)