2008 |
46 | | Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel,
Gabor Fichtinger,
Gábor Székely:
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2008, 11th International Conference, New York, NY, USA, September 6-10, 2008, Proceedings, Part I
Springer 2008 |
45 | | Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel,
Gabor Fichtinger,
Gábor Székely:
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2008, 11th International Conference, New York, NY, USA, September 6-10, 2008, Proceedings, Part II
Springer 2008 |
44 | EE | Xiaoxu Wang,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Ting Chen,
Leon Axel:
Meshless deformable models for LV motion analysis.
CVPR 2008 |
43 | EE | Ting Chen,
Xiaoxu Wang,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
3D cardiac motion tracking using Robust Point Matching and meshless deformable models.
ISBI 2008: 280-283 |
42 | EE | Zhen Qian,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Non-tracking-based 2D strain estimation in tagged MRI.
ISBI 2008: 528-531 |
41 | EE | Tian Shen,
Yaoyao Zhu,
Xiaolei Huang,
Junzhou Huang,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Active Volume Models with Probabilistic Object Boundary Prediction Module.
MICCAI (1) 2008: 331-341 |
40 | EE | Xiaoxu Wang,
Ting Chen,
Shaoting Zhang,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
LV Motion and Strain Computation from tMRI Based on Meshless Deformable Models.
MICCAI (1) 2008: 636-644 |
39 | EE | Zhen Qian,
Qingshan Liu,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Identifying Regional Cardiac Abnormalities from Myocardial Strains Using Spatio-temporal Tensor Analysis.
MICCAI (1) 2008: 789-797 |
38 | EE | Junzhou Huang,
Zhen Qian,
Xiaolei Huang,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Tag Separation in Cardiac Tagged MRI.
MICCAI (2) 2008: 289-297 |
37 | EE | Ting Chen,
Xiaoxu Wang,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Fast Motion Tracking of Tagged MRI Using Angle-Preserving Meshless Registration.
MICCAI (2) 2008: 313-320 |
36 | EE | Ting Chen,
James Babb,
Peter Kellman,
Leon Axel,
Daniel Kim:
Semiautomated Segmentation of Myocardial Contours for Fast Strain Analysis in Cine Displacement-Encoded MRI.
IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 27(8): 1084-1094 (2008) |
2007 |
35 | EE | Ting Chen,
Sohae Chung,
Leon Axel:
Automated Tag Tracking Using Gabor Filter Bank, Robust Point Matching, and Deformable Models.
FIMH 2007: 22-31 |
34 | EE | Xiaoxu Wang,
Joël Schaerer,
Suejung B. Huh,
Zhen Qian,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Ting Chen,
Leon Axel:
Reconstruction of Detailed Left Ventricle Motion from tMRI Using Deformable Models.
FIMH 2007: 60-69 |
33 | EE | Zhen Qian,
Rui Huang,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
A Novel Tag Removal Technique for Tagged Cardiac Mri and Its Applications.
ISBI 2007: 364-367 |
32 | EE | Leon Axel,
Sohae Chung,
Ting Chen:
Tagged Mri Analysis Using Gabor Filters.
ISBI 2007: 684-687 |
31 | EE | Zhen Qian,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Learning Methods in Segmentation of Cardiac Tagged MRI.
ISBI 2007: 688-691 |
30 | EE | Junzhou Huang,
Xiaolei Huang,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Dynamic Texture Based Heart Localization and Segmentation in 4-D Cardiac Images.
ISBI 2007: 852-855 |
29 | EE | Jinghao Zhou,
Sukmoon Chang,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Vascular Structure Segmentation and Bifurcation Detection.
ISBI 2007: 872-875 |
28 | EE | Junzhou Huang,
Xiaolei Huang,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Adaptive Metamorphs Model for 3D Medical Image Segmentation.
MICCAI (1) 2007: 302-310 |
27 | EE | Zhen Qian,
Wei-Ning Lee,
Elisa E. Konofagou,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Ultrasound Myocardial Elastography and Registered 3D Tagged MRI: Quantitative Strain Comparison.
MICCAI (1) 2007: 800-808 |
26 | EE | Ting Chen,
Sohae Chung,
Leon Axel:
2D Motion Analysis of Long Axis Cardiac Tagged MRI.
MICCAI (2) 2007: 469-476 |
2006 |
25 | EE | Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Zhen Qian,
Xiaolei Huang,
Rui Huang,
Ting Chen,
Leon Axel:
Hybrid Deformable Models for Medical Segmentation and Registration.
ICARCV 2006: 1-6 |
24 | EE | Jinghao Zhou,
Sukmoon Chang,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Vessel boundary extraction using ridge scan-conversion deformable model.
ISBI 2006: 189-192 |
23 | EE | Zhen Qian,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Boosting and Nonparametric Based Tracking of Tagged MRI Cardiac Boundaries.
MICCAI (1) 2006: 636-644 |
22 | EE | Marilyn E. Noz,
Gerald Q. Maguire Jr.,
Michael P. Zeleznik,
Lotta Olivecrona,
Henrik Olivecrona,
Leon Axel,
Mondavi B. Srichai,
Linda Moy,
Antoinette Murphy-Walcott:
Clinical Application of a Semiautomatic 3D Fusion Tool Where Automatic Fusion Techniques Are Difficult to Use.
WBIR 2006: 195-205 |
2005 |
21 | EE | Zhen Qian,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
A Learning Framework for the Automatic and Accurate Segmentation of Cardiac Tagged MRI Images.
CVBIA 2005: 93-102 |
20 | EE | Zhenhua Hu,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Computational Modeling and Simulation of Heart Ventricular Mechanics from Tagged MRI.
FIMH 2005: 369-383 |
19 | EE | Leon Axel,
Ting Chen,
Tushar Manglik:
Dense Myocardium Deformation Estimation for 2D Tagged MRI.
FIMH 2005: 446-456 |
18 | EE | Zhenhua Hu,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Computational modeling and simulation of heart ventricular mechanics with tagged MRI.
Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2005: 79-88 |
17 | EE | Kyoungju Park,
Albert Montillo,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Volumetric heart modeling and analysis.
Commun. ACM 48(2): 43-48 (2005) |
2004 |
16 | | Leon Axel:
Cardiac MRI.
ISBI 2004: 1211-1214 |
15 | EE | Ting Chen,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
3D Cardiac Anatomy Reconstruction Using High Resolution CT Data.
MICCAI (1) 2004: 411-418 |
14 | EE | Tushar Manglik,
Alexandru Cernicanu,
Vinay S. Pai,
Daniel Kim,
Ting Chen,
Pradnya Dugal,
Bharathi Batchu,
Leon Axel:
Gabor Filter-Based Automated Strain Computation from Tagged MR Images.
MICCAI (2) 2004: 1064-1065 |
13 | EE | Sukmoon Chang,
Hirosh Emoto,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Pulmonary Micronodule Detection from 3D Chest CT.
MICCAI (2) 2004: 821-828 |
2003 |
12 | EE | Henry J. Feldman,
Leon Axel,
Glenn I. Fishman:
Computer Modeling of Intracoronary Stents Undergoing MRI Scanning: Simulating Electrogenesis.
CBMS 2003: 80- |
11 | EE | Leon Axel:
Tagged MRI-Based Studies of Cardiac Function.
FIMH 2003: 1-7 |
10 | EE | Zhenhua Hu,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Left Ventricle Composite Material Model for Stress-Strain Analysis.
IS4TH 2003: 218-229 |
9 | EE | Kyoungju Park,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
A Finite Element Model for Functional Analysis of 4D Cardiac-Tagged MR Images.
MICCAI (1) 2003: 491-498 |
8 | EE | Albert Montillo,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Automated Model-Based Segmentation of the Left and Right Ventricles in Tagged Cardiac MRI.
MICCAI (1) 2003: 507-515 |
7 | EE | Sukmoon Chang,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Scan-Conversion Algorithm for Ridge Point Detection on Tubular Objects.
MICCAI (2) 2003: 158-165 |
2002 |
6 | EE | Albert Montillo,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Automated Segmentation of the Left and Right Ventricles in 4D Cardiac SPAMM Images.
MICCAI (1) 2002: 620-633 |
5 | EE | Zhenhua Hu,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
In-vivo Strain and Stress Estimation of the Left Ventricle from MRI Images.
MICCAI (1) 2002: 706-713 |
4 | EE | Kyoungju Park,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
LV-RV Shape Modeling Based on a Blended Parameterized Model.
MICCAI (1) 2002: 753-761 |
1999 |
3 | | Lawrence Dougherty,
Jane C. Asmuth,
Aaron S. Blom,
Leon Axel,
Rakesh Kumar:
Validation of an Optical Flow Method for Tag Displacement Estimation.
IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 18(4): 359-363 (1999) |
1998 |
2 | EE | Edith Haber,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Motion Analysis of the Right Ventricle From MRI Images.
MICCAI 1998: 177-188 |
1995 |
1 | EE | Jinah Park,
Dimitris N. Metaxas,
Leon Axel:
Volumetric Deformable Models with Parameter Functions: A New Approach to the 3D Motion Analysis of the LV from MRI-SPAMM.
ICCV 1995: 700-705 |