
J. William Atwood

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45EESalekul Islam, J. William Atwood: Multicast receiver access control by IGMP-AC. Computer Networks 53(7): 989-1013 (2009)
44EEJ. William Atwood, J. W. Im, Y. C. Jung: Asymmetric model for active measurements in the internet. ICUIMC 2008: 247-250
43EESalekul Islam, J. William Atwood: Receiver access control and secured handoff in mobile multicast using IGMP-AC. LCN 2008: 411-418
42EEXueyong Zhu, J. William Atwood: A Web Database Security Model Using the Host Identity Protocol. IDEAS 2007: 278-284
41EEJ. William Atwood: An Architecture for Secure and Accountable Multicasting. LCN 2007: 73-78
40EESalekul Islam, J. William Atwood: Sender Access Control in IP Multicast. LCN 2007: 79-86
39EEYan Cheng, J. William Atwood: Performance evaluation of qos-agent assisted mipv6 handoff scheme. Q2SWinet 2007: 55-62
38EERitesh Mukherjee, J. William Atwood: Scalable solutions for secure group communications. Computer Networks 51(12): 3525-3548 (2007)
37EESalekul Islam, J. William Atwood: A Framework to Add AAA Functionalities in IP Multicast. AICT/ICIW 2006: 58
36EEAnshul Gupta, J. William Atwood: Feedback Mechanism for MPLS Path Assignment using RSVP-TE. AICT/ICIW 2006: 61
35EEAnil Kumar Venkataiahgari, J. William Atwood, Mourad Debbabi: A Survey of Secure B2C Commerce for Multicast Services. CCECE 2006: 288-293
34EEAnil Kumar Venkataiahgari, J. William Atwood, Mourad Debbabi: Secure E-Commerce Transactions for Multicast Services. CEC/EEE 2006: 18
33EESalekul Islam, J. William Atwood: The Internet Group Management Protocol with Access Control (IGMP-AC). LCN 2006: 475-482
32EEYan Cheng, J. William Atwood: Towards Minimizing Service Degradation during MIPv6 Handovers. LCN 2006: 549-550
31 Anil Kumar Venkataiahgari, Mourad Debbabi, J. William Atwood: Secure E-commerce Protection Profile. Security and Management 2006: 279-285
30EEOmar Banimelhem, Anjali Agarwal, J. William Atwood: A Tree Division Approach to Support Local Failure Recovery for Multicasting in MPLS Networks. ICW/ICHSN/ICMCS/SENET 2005: 249-254
29EEOmar Banimelhem, J. William Atwood, Anjali Agarwal: Deploying Multicast Communication over MPLS Networks Using Tree Numbering. ISCC 2005: 704-710
28EEIsraat Tanzeena Haque, Chadi Assi, J. William Atwood: Randomized energy aware routing algorithms in mobile ad hoc networks. MSWiM 2005: 71-78
27EERitesh Mukherjee, J. William Atwood: Multicast Group Authentication. Net-Con 2005: 215-230
26EEYounchan Jung, J. William Atwood: Switching between Fixed and Call-Adaptive Playout: A Per-Call Playout Algorithm. IEEE Internet Computing 9(4): 22-27 (2005)
25EEYounchan Jung, J. William Atwood: ß-Adaptive Playout Scheme for Voice over IP Applications. IEICE Transactions 88-B(5): 2189-2192 (2005)
24EESalekul Islam, J. William Atwood: Security Issues in PIM-SM Link-Local Messages. LCN 2004: 402-403
23EELigang Wang, Anjali Agarwal, J. William Atwood: Modelling and verification of interworking between SIP and H.323. Computer Networks 45(2): 77-98 (2004)
22EEJ. William Atwood: A classification of reliable multicast protocols. IEEE Network 18(3): 24-34 (2004)
21EERitesh Mukherjee, J. William Atwood: Proxy Encryptions for Secure Multicast Key Management. LCN 2003: 377-384
20EEAhmed Gario, J. William Atwood: Feedback Mechanism Validation and Path Query Messages in the Label Distribution Protocol. LCN 2003: 480-
19EELigang Wang, J. William Atwood, Anjali Agarwal: Validation of SIP/H.323 Interworking Using SDL/MSC. SDL Forum 2003: 335-351
18EERitesh Mukherjee, J. William Atwood: Rendezvous Point Relocation in Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode. Telecommunication Systems 24(2-4): 207-220 (2003)
17EEMargaret M. Burnett, Nanyu Cao, Miguel Arredondo-Castro, J. William Atwood: End-User Programming of Time as an 'Ordinary' Dimension in Grid-Oriented Visual Programming Languages. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 13(4): 421-447 (2002)
16 Margaret M. Burnett, J. William Atwood, Rebecca Walpole Djang, James Reichwein, Herkimer J. Gottfried, Sherry Yang: Forms/3: A first-order visual language to explore the boundaries of the spreadsheet paradigm. J. Funct. Program. 11(2): 155-206 (2001)
15EEGanesh Ramasivan, J. William Atwood: A New Paradigm for Multipoint-to-Multipoint Communication Using XTP. LCN 2000: 352-
14EEJ. William Atwood, Morteza Ghodrat, Dariusz Tasak: Using Formal Specification and Observers to Specify and Validate the ATM Signaling Protocols. LCN 1999: 117-
13 E. M. Wilcox, J. William Atwood, Margaret M. Burnett, Jonathan J. Cadiz, Curtis R. Cook: Does Continuous Visual Feedback Aid Debugging in Direct-Manipulation Programming Systems? CHI 1997: 258-265
12EEJ. William Atwood, O. Catrina, J. Fenton, W. Timothy Strayer: Reliable Multicasting in the Xpress Transport Protocol. LCN 1996: 202-211
11EEAnjali Agarwal, J. William Atwood: A unified approach to fault-tolerance in communication protocols based on recovery procedures. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 4(5): 785-795 (1996)
10EEJ. William Atwood, Y. Zhang: A definition of the XTP service and its formal specification. LCN 1995: 459-468
9 J. William Atwood, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Anindya Das, M'Hamed Nour: Addressing and Routing in Heterogeneous Data Networks. HPN 1994: 95-105
8 J. William Atwood, Walter Prager: A STREAMS-based Communications Subsystem in Turing Plus for Protocol Develelopment. Softw., Pract. Exper. 21(12): 1365-1380 (1991)
7 Y. T. Cheung, J. William Atwood: Specifying the Xpress Transfer Protocol Using Estelle and Valira. FORTE 1990: 503-517
6EEK. Lall, J. William Atwood: A microprogrammed interpreter for concurrent Euclid. MICRO 1989: 1-10
5 G. Bozikian, J. William Atwood: CICS LSR Buffer Simulator (CLBS). Int. CMG Conference 1988: 493-503
4 Nikitas J. Dimopoulos, Kin F. Li, Eric Chi-Wah Wong, R. V. Dantu, J. William Atwood: The Homogeneous Multiprocessor System, An Overview. ICPP 1987: 592-599
3 J. William Atwood: Use of TUNIS in an Operating Systems Design Course. Operating Systems Review 18(2): 6-7 (1984)
2 Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan, J. William Atwood, S. G. Krishnamoorthy: A Multilingual Input/Output Device for Indian Scripts. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 19(2): 137-146 (1983)
1 Bipin C. Desai, Clement Wing Hong Lam, J. William Atwood, Jaroslav Opatrny, Peter Grogono, S. Cabilio: NOVAC: a non-tree variable tree for combinatorial computing. ICPP 1982: 193-195

Coauthor Index

1Anjali Agarwal [11] [19] [23] [29] [30]
2Miguel Arredondo-Castro [17]
3Chadi Assi [28]
4Omar Banimelhem [29] [30]
5G. Bozikian [5]
6Margaret M. Burnett [13] [16] [17]
7S. Cabilio [1]
8Jonathan J. Cadiz [13]
9Nanyu Cao [17]
10O. Catrina [12]
11Yan Cheng [32] [39]
12Y. T. Cheung [7]
13Curtis R. Cook [13]
14R. V. Dantu [4]
15Anindya Das [9]
16Mourad Debbabi [31] [34] [35]
17Bipin C. Desai [1]
18Nikitas J. Dimopoulos [4]
19Rebecca Walpole Djang [16]
20J. Fenton [12]
21Ahmed Gario [20]
22Morteza Ghodrat [14]
23Herkimer J. Gottfried [16]
24Peter Grogono [1]
25Anshul Gupta [36]
26Israat Tanzeena Haque [28]
27J. W. Im [44]
28Salekul Islam [24] [33] [37] [40] [43] [45]
29Jean-Marc Jézéquel [9]
30Y. C. Jung [44]
31Younchan Jung [25] [26]
32S. G. Krishnamoorthy [2]
33K. Lall [6]
34Clement W. H. Lam (Clement Wing Hong Lam) [1]
35Kin F. Li [4]
36Ritesh Mukherjee [18] [21] [27] [38]
37M'Hamed Nour [9]
38Jaroslav Opatrny [1]
39Walter Prager [8]
40Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan [2]
41Ganesh Ramasivan [15]
42James Reichwein [16]
43W. Timothy Strayer [12]
44Dariusz Tasak [14]
45Anil Kumar Venkataiahgari [31] [34] [35]
46Ligang Wang [19] [23]
47E. M. Wilcox [13]
48Eric Chi-Wah Wong [4]
49Sherry Yang [16]
50Y. Zhang [10]
51Xueyong Zhu [42]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)