
Chadi Assi

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45EEBasel Alawieh, Chadi Assi, Hussein T. Mouftah: Power-aware ad hoc networks with directional antennas: Models and analysis. Ad Hoc Networks 7(3): 486-499 (2009)
44EEJad El-Najjar, Brigitte Jaumard, Chadi Assi: Minimizing Interference in WiMax/802.16 Based Mesh Networks with Centralized Scheduling. GLOBECOM 2008: 5170-5175
43EEKhoder Shamy, Chadi Assi, Jad El-Najjar: Efficient Rate Adaptation with QoS Support for Wireless Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 811-816
42EEBasel Alawieh, Yongning Zhang, Chadi Assi, Hussein T. Mouftah: An efficient rate adaptation scheme for multihop wireless networks using Kalman Filter. ISCC 2008: 124-129
41EEJad El-Najjar, Brigitte Jaumard, Chadi Assi: Efficient routing in WiMax/802.16 based mesh networks with centralized scheduling. ISCC 2008: 265-271
40EEYongning Zhang, Basel Alawieh, Chadi Assi: A novel physical carrier sensing scheme for enhancing spatial reuse in multihop wireless networks. WOWMOM 2008: 1-9
39EEJad El-Najjar, Brigitte Jaumard, Chadi Assi: Maximizing Network Stability in a Mobile WiMax/802.16 Mesh Centralized Scheduling. WiMob 2008: 259-265
38EEChadi Assi, Hsiao-Hwa Chen: Message from the Technical Program Committee Co-chairs. WiMob 2008
37EEHadi Otrok, Mona Mehrandish, Chadi Assi, Mourad Debbabi, Prabir Bhattacharya: Game theoretic models for detecting network intrusions. Computer Communications 31(10): 1934-1944 (2008)
36EEBasel Alawieh, Chadi Assi, Wessam Ajib: A Distributed Correlative Power Control Scheme for Mobile Ad hoc Networks using Prediction Filters. AINA 2007: 23-30
35EEKim Khoa Nguyen, H. Mahkoum, Brigitte Jaumard, Chadi Assi, M. Lanoue: Toward a Distributed Control Plane Architecture for Next Generation Routers. ECUMN 2007: 173-182
34EEAbderrezak Rachedi, Abderrahim Benslimane, Lei Guang, Chadi Assi: A Confident Community to Secure Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICC 2007: 1254-1259
33EEHadi Otrok, Mourad Debbabi, Chadi Assi, Prabir Bhattacharya: A Cooperative Approach for Analyzing Intrusions in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2007: 86
32EEBasel Alawieh, Chadi Assi: Modeling and Analysis of Power-Aware Ad hoc Networks with Directional Antennas. ISCC 2007: 33-38
31EEKhoder Shamy, Chadi Assi, Lei Guang: A Study on the Binary Exponential Backoff in Noisy and Heterogeneous Environment. MSN 2007: 397-408
30EEBasel Alawieh, Chadi Assi, Hussein T. Mouftah: Investigation of Power-Aware IEEE 802.11 Performance in Multi-hop Ad Hoc Networks. MSN 2007: 409-420
29EELei Guang, Chadi Assi, Yinghua Ye: DREAM: A system for detection and reaction against MAC layer misbehavior in ad hoc networks. Computer Communications 30(8): 1841-1853 (2007)
28EEChadi Assi, Martin Maier, Abdallah Shami: Toward Quality of Service Protection in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks: Challenges and Solutions. IEEE Network 21(5): 12-19 (2007)
27EELei Guang, Chadi Assi: Vulnerability assessment of ad hoc networks to MAC layer misbehavior. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 7(6): 703-715 (2007)
26EEIsraat Tanzeena Haque, Chadi Assi: Localized energy efficient routing in mobile ad hoc networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 7(6): 781-793 (2007)
25EELei Guang, Chadi Assi: Cross-Layer Cooperation to Handle MAC Misbehavior in Ad Hoc Networks. CCECE 2006: 219-222
24EEMona Mehrandish, Hadi Otrok, Mourad Debbabi, Chadi Assi, Prabir Bhattacharya: A Game Theoretic Approach to Detect Network Intrusions: The Cooperative Intruders Scenario. GLOBECOM 2006
23EEYi Liu, Chadi Assi, Anjali Agarwal: Enhanced Per-Flow Admission Control and QoS Provisioning in IEEE 802.11e Wireless LANs. GLOBECOM 2006
22EEXiaofeng Bai, Abdallah Shami, Khalim Amjad Meerja, Chadi Assi: New Distributed QoS Control Scheme for IEEE 802.16 Wireless Access Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
21EEHassan Issa, Chadi Assi, Mourad Debbabi: QoS-Aware Middleware for Web Services Composition - A Qualitative Approach. ISCC 2006: 359-364
20EEAhmad R. Dhaini, Chadi Assi, Abdallah Shami: Quality of Service in TDM/WDM Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (EPONs). ISCC 2006: 616-621
19EELei Guang, Chadi Assi, Abderrahim Benslimane: Interlayer Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. MSN 2006: 436-448
18EELei Guang, Chadi Assi, Abderrahim Benslimane: Modeling and analysis of predictable random backoff in selfish environments. MSWiM 2006: 86-90
17EEXiaofeng Bai, Abdallah Shami, Chadi Assi: On the fairness of dynamic bandwidth allocation schemes in Ethernet passive optical networks. Computer Communications 29(11): 2123-2135 (2006)
16EEChadi Assi, Wei Huo, Abdallah Shami: Multiple link failures survivability of optical networks with traffic grooming capability. Computer Communications 29(18): 3900-3912 (2006)
15EEDev Shankar Mukherjee, Chadi Assi, Anjali Agarwal: An Alternative Approach for Enhanced Availability Analysis and Design Methods in p-Cycle-Based Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(S-12): 23-34 (2006)
14EEChadi Assi, Wei Huo, Abdallah Shami: Centralized Versus Distributed Re-provisioning in Optical Mesh Networks. ICN (1) 2005: 34-43
13EEIsraat Tanzeena Haque, Chadi Assi, J. William Atwood: Randomized energy aware routing algorithms in mobile ad hoc networks. MSWiM 2005: 71-78
12EEChadi Assi, Wei Huo, Abdallah Shami: Impact of Resource Sharability on Dual Failure Restorability in Optical Mesh Networks. NETWORKING 2005: 792-803
11EELei Guang, Chadi Assi: On the resiliency of mobile ad hoc networks to MAC layer misbehavior. PE-WASUN 2005: 160-167
10EEChadi Assi, Wei Huo, Abdallah Shami, Nasir Ghani: Improving signaling recovery in shared mesh optical networks. Computer Communications 29(1): 59-68 (2005)
9EEAbdallah Shami, Xiaofeng Bai, Nasir Ghani, Chadi Assi, H. T. Mouftah: QoS Control Schemes for Two-Stage Ethernet Passive Optical Access Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(8): 1467-1478 (2005)
8 Abdallah Shami, Xiaofeng Bai, Chadi Assi, Nasir Ghani: Quality of Service in Two-Stage Ethernet Passive Optical Access Networks. ICCCN 2004: 352-355
7EEWei Huo, Chadi Assi, Abdallah Shami: A New Framework for Rapid Restoration in Optical Mesh Networks. ICPP Workshops 2004: 363-370
6EEChadi Assi, Abdallah Shami, Xin Bai, Nasir Ghani: A New Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Scheme in Ethernet Passive Optical Access Networks. ICPP Workshops 2004: 371-378
5EEAhmad Khalil, Chadi Assi, Antonis Hadjiantonis, Georgios Ellinas, Mohamed A. Ali: On multicast traffic grooming in WDM networks. ISCC 2004: 282-287
4EENasir Ghani, Chadi Assi, Abdallah Shami, Mohamed A. Ali: Integrated traffic grooming in converged data-optical networks. ISCC 2004: 294-299
3EEChadi Assi, Ahmad Khalil, Nasir Ghani, Abdallah Shami, Mohamed A. Ali: Performance Evaluation of Shared Mesh Protection in WDM Networks. Cluster Computing 7(3): 271-280 (2004)
2EEChadi Assi, Ahmad Khalil, Nasir Ghani, Mohamed A. Ali: Provisioning Algorithms in Survivable Optical Networks with Shared Protection. ISCC 2003: 666-671
1 Abdallah Shami, Chadi Assi, Mohamed A. Ali: Dynamic Wavelength Provisioning in DWDM-Based Optical Network. ONDM 2001: 357-370

Coauthor Index

1Anjali Agarwal [15] [23]
2Wessam Ajib [36]
3Basel Alawieh [30] [32] [36] [40] [42] [45]
4Mohamed A. Ali [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
5J. William Atwood [13]
6Xiaofeng Bai [8] [9] [17] [22]
7Xin Bai [6]
8Abderrahim Benslimane [18] [19] [34]
9Prabir Bhattacharya [24] [33] [37]
10Hsiao-Hwa Chen [38]
11Mourad Debbabi [21] [24] [33] [37]
12Ahmad R. Dhaini [20]
13Jad El-Najjar [39] [41] [43] [44]
14Georgios Ellinas [5]
15Nasir Ghani [2] [3] [4] [6] [8] [9] [10]
16Lei Guang [11] [18] [19] [25] [27] [29] [31] [34]
17Antonis Hadjiantonis [5]
18Israat Tanzeena Haque [13] [26]
19Wei Huo [7] [10] [12] [14] [16]
20Hassan Issa [21]
21Brigitte Jaumard [35] [39] [41] [44]
22Ahmad Khalil [2] [3] [5]
23M. Lanoue [35]
24Yi Liu [23]
25H. Mahkoum [35]
26Martin Maier [28]
27Khalim Amjad Meerja [22]
28Mona Mehrandish [24] [37]
29H. T. Mouftah (Hussein T. Mouftah) [9] [30] [42] [45]
30Dev Shankar Mukherjee [15]
31Kim Khoa Nguyen [35]
32Hadi Otrok [24] [33] [37]
33Abderrezak Rachedi [34]
34Abdallah Shami [1] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [14] [16] [17] [20] [22] [28]
35Khoder Shamy [31] [43]
36Yinghua Ye [29]
37Yongning Zhang [40] [42]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)