
W. Timothy Strayer

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18EEW. Timothy Strayer, Christine E. Jones, Beverly Schwartz, Sarah Edwards, Walter C. Milliken, Alden W. Jackson: Efficient Multi-Dimensional Flow Correlation. LCN 2007: 531-538
17EEAlden W. Jackson, Walter C. Milliken, Cesar A. Santivanez, Matthew Condell, W. Timothy Strayer: A Topological Analysis of Monitor Placement. NCA 2007: 169-178
16EEW. Timothy Strayer, Robert Walsh, Carl Livadas, David E. Lapsley: Detecting Botnets with Tight Command and Control. LCN 2006: 195-202
15EECarl Livadas, Robert Walsh, David E. Lapsley, W. Timothy Strayer: Using Machine Learning Techniques to Identify Botnet Traffic. LCN 2006: 967-974
14EEW. Timothy Strayer, Christine E. Jones, Beverly Schwartz: Architecture for Multi-Stage Network Attack Traceback. LCN 2005: 776-785
13EEW. Timothy Strayer: Privacy issues in virtual private networks. Computer Communications 27(6): 517-52 (2004)
12EEW. Timothy Strayer, Christine E. Jones, Fabrice Tchakountio, Alex C. Snoeren, Beverly Schwartz, Robert C. Clements, Matthew Condell, Craig Partridge: SPIE Demonstration: Single Packet Traceback. DISCEX (2) 2003: 106-107
11EEW. Timothy Strayer, Christine E. Jones, Fabrice Tchakountio, Alex C. Snoeren, Beverly Schwartz, Robert C. Clements, Matthew Condell, Craig Partridge: Traceback of Single IP Packets Using SPIE. DISCEX (2) 2003: 266-270
10EEW. Timothy Strayer: Privacy Issues in an Insecure World. NCA 2003: 167-
9EECraig Partridge, David Cousins, Alden W. Jackson, Rajesh Krishnan, Tushar Saxena, W. Timothy Strayer: Using signal processing to analyze wireless data traffic. Workshop on Wireless Security 2002: 67-76
8EEAlex C. Snoeren, Craig Partridge, Luis A. Sanchez, Christine E. Jones, Fabrice Tchakountio, Beverly Schwartz, Stephen T. Kent, W. Timothy Strayer: Single-packet IP traceback. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 10(6): 721-734 (2002)
7EECraig Partridge, Alex C. Snoeren, W. Timothy Strayer, Beverly Schwartz, Matthew Condell, Isidro Castineyra: FIRE: Flexible intra-AS routing environment. SIGCOMM 2000: 191-203
6EEBeverly Schwartz, Alden W. Jackson, W. Timothy Strayer, Wenyi Zhou, R. Dennis Rockwell, Craig Partridge: Smart packets: applying active networks to network management. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 18(1): 67-88 (2000)
5EEW. Timothy Strayer: A Class-Chest for Deriving Transport Protocols. LCN 1996: 106-115
4EEJ. William Atwood, O. Catrina, J. Fenton, W. Timothy Strayer: Reliable Multicasting in the Xpress Transport Protocol. LCN 1996: 202-211
3EEAndrew S. Grimshaw, Jon B. Weissman, W. Timothy Strayer: Portable Run-Time Support for Dynamic Object-Oriented Parallel Processing. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 14(2): 139-170 (1996)
2 W. Timothy Strayer, Simon Gray, Raymond E. Cline Jr.: An Object-Oriented Implementation of the Xpress Transfer Protocol. IWACA 1994: 387-400
1 John F. Karpovich, Matthew Judd, W. Timothy Strayer, Andrew S. Grimshaw: A Parallel Object-Oriented Framework for Stencil Algorithms. HPDC 1993: 34-41

Coauthor Index

1J. William Atwood [4]
2Isidro Castineyra [7]
3O. Catrina [4]
4Robert C. Clements [11] [12]
5Raymond E. Cline Jr. [2]
6Matthew Condell [7] [11] [12] [17]
7David Cousins [9]
8Sarah Edwards [18]
9J. Fenton [4]
10Simon Gray [2]
11Andrew S. Grimshaw [1] [3]
12Alden W. Jackson [6] [9] [17] [18]
13Christine E. Jones [8] [11] [12] [14] [18]
14Matthew Judd [1]
15John F. Karpovich [1]
16Stephen T. Kent [8]
17Rajesh Krishnan [9]
18David E. Lapsley [15] [16]
19Carl Livadas [15] [16]
20Walter C. Milliken [17] [18]
21Craig Partridge [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12]
22R. Dennis Rockwell [6]
23Luis A. Sanchez [8]
24Cesar A. Santivanez [17]
25Tushar Saxena [9]
26Beverly Schwartz [6] [7] [8] [11] [12] [14] [18]
27Alex C. Snoeren [7] [8] [11] [12]
28Fabrice Tchakountio [8] [11] [12]
29Robert Walsh [15] [16]
30Jon B. Weissman [3]
31Wenyi Zhou [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)