
Volkan Atalay

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26EEOmer Sinan Sarac, Özge Gürsoy-Yüzügüllü, Rengül Çetin-Atalay, Volkan Atalay: Subsequence-based feature map for protein function classification. Computational Biology and Chemistry 32(2): 122-130 (2008)
25EEBurçak Otlu, Volkan Atalay, Reza Hassanpour: Relative Consistency of Projective Reconstructions Obtained from the Same Image Pair. IJPRAI 20(5): 649-664 (2006)
24EEVolkan Atalay, Rengül Çetin-Atalay: Implicit motif distribution based hybrid computational kernel for sequence classification. Bioinformatics 21(8): 1429-1436 (2005)
23EEMohamed Borchani, Florence Cloppet, Volkan Atalay, Georges Stamon: Change Detection in Aerial Images. CRV 2004: 354-360
22EEMohamed E. M. Musa, Dick de Ridder, Robert P. W. Duin, Volkan Atalay: Almost autonomous training of mixtures of principal component analyzers. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(9): 1085-1095 (2004)
21EEReza Hassanpour, Volkan Atalay: Camera auto-calibration using a sequence of 2D images with small rotations. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(9): 989-997 (2004)
20EESait Ulas Korkmaz, G. Kirçiçegi, Y. Akinci, Volkan Atalay: A Character Recognizer for Turkish Language. ICDAR 2003: 1238-1241
19EEMohamed E. M. Musa, Robert P. W. Duin, Dick de Ridder, Volkan Atalay: Texture Segmentation Using the Mixtures of Principal Component Analyzers. ISCIS 2003: 505-512
18EEMert Özarar, Volkan Atalay, Rengül Çetin-Atalay: Prediction of Protein Subcellular Localization Based on Primary Sequence Data. ISCIS 2003: 611-618
17EECenk Guray, Nese Celebi, Volkan Atalay, A. Gunhan Pasamehmetoglu: Ore-age: a hybrid system for assisting and teaching mining method selection. Expert Syst. Appl. 24(3): 261-271 (2003)
16 Adem Yasar Mülayim, Ulas Yilmaz, Volkan Atalay: Silhouette-based 3-D model reconstruction from multiple images. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 33(4): 582-591 (2003)
15EEUlas Yilmaz, Adem Yasar Mülayim, Volkan Atalay: An Image-based Inexpensive 3D Scanner. Int. J. Image Graphics 3(2): 235-263 (2003)
14EEUlas Yilmaz, Adem Yasar Mülayim, Volkan Atalay: Reconstruction of Three Dimensional Models from Real Images. 3DPVT 2002: 554-557
13EEKoray Balci, Volkan Atalay: PCA for Gender Estimation: Which Eigenvectors Contribute? ICPR (3) 2002: 363-366
12 Reza Hassanpour, Volkan Atalay: Head Modeling with Camera Autocalibration and Deformation. VMV 2002: 3-11
11EEPinar Duygulu, Volkan Atalay: A hierarchical representation of form documents for identification and retrieval. IJDAR 5(1): 17-27 (2002)
10EESelin Baskan, M. Mete Bulut, Volkan Atalay: Projection based method for segmentation of human face and its evaluation. Pattern Recognition Letters 23(14): 1623-1629 (2002)
9EEÖmer Faruk Özer, Oguz Özün, C. Öncel Tüzel, Volkan Atalay, A. Enis Çetin: Vision-Based Single-Stroke Character Recognition for Wearable Computing. IEEE Intelligent Systems 16(3): 33-37 (2001)
8 Adem Yasar Mülayim, Volkan Atalay, Oguz Özün, Francis Schmitt: On the Silhouette Based 3D Reconstruction and Initial Bounding Cube Estimation. VMV 2000: 11-18
7EEVolkan Atalay, Erkan Arslan: An SGML based Viewer for Form Documents. ICDAR 1999: 201-204
6EESerkan Genç, Volkan Atalay: Texture Extraction from Photographs and Rendering with Dynamic Texture Mapping. ICIAP 1999: 1055-1058
5 Adem Yasar Mülayim, Volkan Atalay, Kemal Leblebicioglu, Ugur Halici: Texture Classification using Fuzzy Logic. IIA/SOCO 1999
4EEÖmer Nezih Gerek, A. Enis Çetin, Ahmed H. Tewfik, Volkan Atalay: Subband domain coding of binary textual images for document archiving. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 8(10): 1438-1446 (1999)
3EEVolkan Atalay, M. Ugur Yilmaz: A matching algorithm based on linear features. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(9): 857-867 (1998)
2 Volkan Atalay, Erol Gelenbe, Nese Yalabik: The Random Neural Network Model for Texture Generation. IJPRAI 6(1): 131-141 (1992)
1 Volkan Atalay, Erol Gelenbe: Parallel Algorithm for Colour Texture Generation Using the Random Neural Network Model. IJPRAI 6(2&3): 437-446 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Y. Akinci [20]
2Erkan Arslan [7]
3Koray Balci [13]
4Selin Baskan [10]
5Mohamed Borchani [23]
6M. Mete Bulut [10]
7Nese Celebi [17]
8A. Enis Çetin [4] [9]
9Rengül Çetin-Atalay [18] [24] [26]
10Florence Cloppet [23]
11Robert P. W. Duin [19] [22]
12Pinar Duygulu [11]
13Erol Gelenbe [1] [2]
14Serkan Genç [6]
15Ömer Nezih Gerek [4]
16Cenk Guray [17]
17Özge Gürsoy-Yüzügüllü [26]
18Ugur Halici [5]
19Reza Hassanpour [12] [21] [25]
20G. Kirçiçegi [20]
21Sait Ulas Korkmaz [20]
22Kemal Leblebicioglu [5]
23Adem Yasar Mülayim [5] [8] [14] [15] [16]
24Mohamed E. M. Musa [19] [22]
25Burçak Otlu [25]
26Mert Özarar [18]
27Ömer Faruk Özer [9]
28Oguz Özün [8] [9]
29A. Gunhan Pasamehmetoglu [17]
30Dick de Ridder [19] [22]
31Omer Sinan Sarac [26]
32Francis Schmitt [8]
33Georges Stamon [23]
34Ahmed H. Tewfik [4]
35C. Öncel Tüzel [9]
36Nese Yalabik [2]
37M. Ugur Yilmaz [3]
38Ulas Yilmaz [14] [15] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)