
Hajime Wada

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6EEHajime Wada: A Treatment Of Functional Definite Descriptions. COLING 1994: 789-795
5EEKathleen Dahlgren, Carol Lord, Hajime Wada, Joyce P. McDowell, Edward P. Stabler: ITP: description of the Interpretext system as used for MUC-3. MUC 1991: 163-170
4EEKathleen Dahlgren, Carol Lord, Hajime Wada, Joyce P. McDowell, Edward P. Stabler: ITP Interpretext system: MUC-3 test results and analysis. MUC 1991: 79-83
3EEHajime Wada: Discourse Processing in MT: Problems in Pronominal Translation. COLING 1990: 73-75
2EEChiaki Watanabe, Hajime Wada: EgBridge Version 2.2. Machine Translation 2(1): 55-58 (1987)
1 Hajime Wada, Nicholas Asher: BUILDRS: An Implementation of DR Theory and LFG. COLING 1986: 540-545

Coauthor Index

1Nicholas Asher [1]
2Kathleen Dahlgren [4] [5]
3Carol Lord [4] [5]
4Joyce P. McDowell [4] [5]
5Edward P. Stabler (Edward P. Stabler Jr.) [4] [5]
6Chiaki Watanabe [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)