
Joseph Arul

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9 Tsozen Yeh, Joseph Arul, Kuo-Hsin Tien, I-Fan Chen, Jia-Shian Wu: Improving the System Performance by a Dynamic File Prediction Model. CDES 2006: 182-188
8EETsozen Yeh, Joseph Arul, Jia-Shian Wu, I-Fan Chen, Kuo-Hsin Tan: Using File Grouping to Improve the Disk Performance (Extended Abstract). HPDC 2006: 365-366
7EEJoseph Arul, Nathan Pathi, K. Thirusangu, Mary John: On Tensions and Causes for School Dropouts - An Induced Linked Fuzzy Relational Mapping (ILFRM) Analysis. JCIS 2006
6EEGrace J. Hwang, Joseph Arul, Eric Lin, Chung-Yun Hung: Design and Multithreading Implementation of the Wave-Front Algorithm for Constructing Voronoi Diagrams. ICA3PP 2005: 257-266
5EEJenn-Wei Lin, Joseph Arul: An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Approach for Mobile IP in Wireless Systems. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 2(3): 207-220 (2003)
4 Krishna M. Kavi, Joseph Arul, Roberto Giorgi: Performance Evaluation of a Non-Blocking Multithreaded Architecture for Embedded, Real-Time and DSP Applications. ISCA PDCS 2001: 365-371
3EEKrishna M. Kavi, Roberto Giorgi, Joseph Arul: Scheduled Dataflow: Execution Paradigm, Architecture, and Performance Evaluation. IEEE Trans. Computers 50(8): 834-846 (2001)
2EEKrishna M. Kavi, Joseph Arul, Roberto Giorgi: Execution and Cache Performance of the Scheduled Dataflow Architecture. J. UCS 6(10): 948-967 (2000)
1EEKrishna M. Kavi, Hyong-Shik Kim, Joseph Arul, Ali R. Hurson: A Decoupled Scheduled Dataflow Multithreaded Architecture. ISPAN 1999: 138-143

Coauthor Index

1I-Fan Chen [8] [9]
2Roberto Giorgi [2] [3] [4]
3Chung-Yun Hung [6]
4Ali R. Hurson (A. R. Hurson) [1]
5Grace J. Hwang [6]
6Mary John [7]
7Krishna M. Kavi [1] [2] [3] [4]
8Hyong-Shik Kim [1]
9Eric Lin [6]
10Jenn-Wei Lin [5]
11Nathan Pathi [7]
12Kuo-Hsin Tan [8]
13K. Thirusangu [7]
14Kuo-Hsin Tien [9]
15Jia-Shian Wu [8] [9]
16Tsozen Yeh [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)