
Takaya Arita

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13EEYusuke Iwase, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita: Evolutionary search for cellular automata that exhibit self-organizing properties induced by external perturbations. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 759-765
12EEReiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita: The Dynamic Changes in Roles of Learning through the Baldwin Effect. Artificial Life 13(1): 31-43 (2007)
11EEJin Akaishi, Takaya Arita: Agent-based modeling for investigating adaptivity of misperception. Systems and Computers in Japan 37(12): 96-106 (2006)
10EEReiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita: How Niche Construction Can Guide Coevolution. ECAL 2005: 373-382
9EEArtur Matos, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita: Evolutionary Simulations of Maternal Effects in Artificial Developmental Systems. ECAL 2005: 98-107
8EEArtur Matos, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita: Evolutionary models for maternal effects in simulated developmental systems. GECCO 2005: 149-150
7EEReiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita: The Baldwin Effect Revisited: Three Steps Characterized by the Quantitative Evolution of Phenotypic Plasticity. ECAL 2003: 395-404
6EEReiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita: Evolutionary Analysis on Spatial Locality in N-Person Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 3(2): 177-188 (2003)
5 Takaya Arita, Yuhji Koyama: Evolution of Linguistic Diversity in a Simple Communication System. Artificial Life 4(1): 109-124 (1998)
4 Takaya Arita, Charles E. Taylor: A Simple Model for the Evolution of Communication. Evolutionary Programming 1996: 405-409
3 Takaya Arita, Akinori Ojika: Generation of Color Patterns Based on the Interactions Between Predators and Prey. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1996: 291-294
2 Takaya Arita, Hiromitsu Takagi, Masahiro Sowa: V++: An Instruction-Restructurable Processor Architecture. HICSS (1) 1994: 398-408
1EETakaya Arita, Masahiro Sowa: High Speed Synchronization for a Statically Scheduled Superscalar Processor. International Journal of High Speed Computing 3(1): 77-87 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Jin Akaishi [11]
2Yusuke Iwase [13]
3Yuhji Koyama [5]
4Artur Matos [8] [9]
5Akinori Ojika [3]
6Masahiro Sowa [1] [2]
7Reiji Suzuki [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13]
8Hiromitsu Takagi [2]
9Charles E. Taylor [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)