
Laurent Arditi

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5EELaurent Arditi, Gérard Berry, Michael Kishinevsky: Late Design Changes (ECOs) for Sequentially Optimized Esterel Designs. FMCAD 2004: 128-143
4EELaurent Arditi, Hédi Boufaïed, Arnaud Cavanié, Vincent Stehlé: Coverage Directed Generation of System-Level Test Cases for the Validation of a DSP System. FME 2001: 449-464
3 Laurent Arditi: BMDs Can Delay the Use of Theorem Proving for Verifying Arithmetic Assembly Instructions. FMCAD 1996: 34-48
2EELaurent Arditi, Hélène Collavizza: An Object-Oriented Framework for the Formal Verification of Processors. ECOOP 1995: 215-234
1EELaurent Arditi, Hélène Collavizza: Towards verifying VHDL descriptions of processors. EURO-DAC 1995: 414-419

Coauthor Index

1Gérard Berry [5]
2Hédi Boufaïed [4]
3Arnaud Cavanié [4]
4Hélène Collavizza [1] [2]
5Michael Kishinevsky [5]
6Vincent Stehlé [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)