
Guido Appenzeller

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7EEJad Naous, David Erickson, G. Adam Covington, Guido Appenzeller, Nick McKeown: Implementing an OpenFlow switch on the NetFPGA platform. ANCS 2008: 1-9
6EEGuido Appenzeller: Identity-based encryption from algorithm to enterprise deployment. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2005: 406
5EEGuido Appenzeller, Isaac Keslassy, Nick McKeown: Sizing router buffers. SIGCOMM 2004: 281-292
4EEMartin Casado, Vikram Vijayaraghavan, Guido Appenzeller, Nick McKeown: The Stanford Virtual Router: a teaching tool and network simulator. Computer Communication Review 32(3): 26 (2002)
3 Guido Appenzeller, Mema Roussopoulos, Mary Baker: User-Friendly Access Control for Public Network Ports. INFOCOM 1999: 699-707
2EEMema Roussopoulos, Petros Maniatis, Edward Swierk, Kevin Lai, Guido Appenzeller, Mary Baker: Person-level Routing in the Mobile People Architecture. USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems 1999
1 Joo-Ho Lee, Guido Appenzeller, Hideki Hashimoto: Physical Agent for Sensored Networked and Thinking Space. ICRA 1998: 838-843

Coauthor Index

1Mary Baker [2] [3]
2Martin Casado [4]
3G. Adam Covington [7]
4David Erickson [7]
5Hideki Hashimoto [1]
6Isaac Keslassy [5]
7Kevin Lai [2]
8Joo-Ho Lee [1]
9Petros Maniatis [2]
10Nick McKeown [4] [5] [7]
11Jad Naous [7]
12Mema Roussopoulos [2] [3]
13Edward Swierk [2]
14Vikram Vijayaraghavan [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)