
Martin Andersson

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17EEAnna Syberfeldt, Henrik Grimm, Amos Ng, Martin Andersson, Ingemar Karlsson: Simulation-based optimization of a complex mail transportation network. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 2625-2631
16EEMartin Andersson, Per Jönsson: HFSZEEMAN - A program for computing weak and intermediate field fine and hyperfine structure Zeeman splittings from MCDHF wave functions. Computer Physics Communications 178(2): 156-170 (2008)
15EEMartin Andersson, Tuomas Sandholm: Contract Type Sequencing for Reallocative Negotiation. ICDCS 2000: 154-160
14 Martin Andersson, Tuomas Sandholm: Time-Quality Tradeoffs in Reallocative Negotiation with Combinatorial Contract Types. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 3-10
13EETuomas Sandholm, Kate Larson, Martin Andersson, Onn Shehory, Fernando Tohmé: Coalition Structure Generation with Worst Case Guarantees. Artif. Intell. 111(1-2): 209-238 (1999)
12 Martin Andersson, Tuomas Sandholm: Leveled Commitment Contracts with Myopic and Strategic Agents. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 38-45
11 Tuomas Sandholm, Kate Larson, Martin Andersson, Onn Shehory, Fernando Tohmé: Anytime Coalition Structure Generation with Worst Case Guarantees. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 46-53
10EEMartin Andersson, Tuomas Sandholm: Sequencing of Contract Types for Anytime Task Reallocation. AMET 1998: 54-69
9EEMartin Andersson, Tuomas Sandholm: Leveled Commitment Contracting among Myopic Individually Rational Agents. ICMAS 1998: 26-33
8EETuomas Sandholm, Kate Larson, Martin Andersson, Onn Shehory, Fernando Tohmé: Anytime Coalition Structure Generation with Worst Case Guarantees CoRR cs.MA/9810005: (1998)
7 Martin Andersson: Searching for Semantics in COBOL Legacy Applications. DS-7 1997: 162-183
6 Martin Andersson: Extracting an Entity Relationship Schema From a Relational Database Through Reverse Engineering. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 4(2-3): 259-286 (1995)
5 Yves Dennebouy, Martin Andersson, Annamaria Auddino, Yann Dupont, Edi Fontana, M. Gentile, Stefano Spaccapietra: SUPER: Visual Interfaces for Object+Relationship Data Models. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 6(1): 73-99 (1995)
4EEMartin Andersson: Extracting an Entity Relationship Schema from a Relational Database through Reverse Engineering. ER 1994: 403-419
3 Martin Andersson, Yann Dupont, Stefano Spaccapietra, Kokou Yétongnon, Markus Tresch, Haiyan Ye: FEMUS: A Federated Multilingual Database System. Advanced Database Systems 1993: 359-380
2 Martin Andersson, Yann Dupont, Stefano Spaccapietra, Kokou Yétongnon, Markus Tresch, J. Ye: The FEMUS Approach in Building a Federated Multilangual Database System. RIDE-IMS 1993: 65-68
1EEMartin Andersson, Annamaria Auddino, Yann Dupont, Edi Fontana, M. Gentile, Stefano Spaccapietra: The "SUPER" Project. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 546-547

Coauthor Index

1Annamaria Auddino [1] [5]
2Yves Dennebouy [5]
3Yann Dupont [1] [2] [3] [5]
4Edi Fontana [1] [5]
5M. Gentile [1] [5]
6Henrik Grimm [17]
7Per Jönsson [16]
8Ingemar Karlsson [17]
9Kate Larson [8] [11] [13]
10Amos Ng [17]
11Tuomas Sandholm [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
12Onn Shehory [8] [11] [13]
13Stefano Spaccapietra [1] [2] [3] [5]
14Anna Syberfeldt [17]
15Fernando A. Tohmé (Fernando Tohmé) [8] [11] [13]
16Markus Tresch [2] [3]
17Haiyan Ye [3]
18J. Ye [2]
19Kokou Yétongnon [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)