Volume 4,
Volume 4,
Number 1,
March 1995
Volume 4 Numbers 2-3,
September 1995
Business Modelling and Re-Engineering
Volume 4,
Number 4,
December 1995
- Kazumasa Yokota:
Heterogeneous Cooperative Knowledge-Base Systems.
317-320 BibTeX
- Hideaki Takeda, K. Iino, Toyoaki Nishida:
Agent Organization and Communication with Multiple Ontologies.
321-338 BibTeX
- Narinder Singh, Michael R. Genesereth, M. Syed:
A Distributed and Anonymous Knowledge Sharing Approach to Software Interoperation.
339-368 BibTeX
- Akira Aiba, Kazumasa Yokota, Hiroshi Tsuda:
Heterogeneous Distributed Cooperative Problem Solving System Helios and Its Cooperation Mechanisms.
369-386 BibTeX
- Shusaku Tsumoto, Hiroshi Tanaka, Hiromi Amano, Kimie Ohyama, Takayuki Kuroda:
COBRA: Integration of Heterogeneous Knowledge-Bases in Medical Domain.
387-404 BibTeX
- Shuji Narazaki, H. Yamamura, Norihiko Yoshida:
Strategies for Selecting Communication Structures in Cooperative Search.
405- BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:01:33 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)