
Michael C. Ferris

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24EEGeng Deng, Michael C. Ferris: Variable-Number Sample-Path Optimization. Math. Program. 117(1-2): 81-109 (2009)
23EEGeng Deng, Michael C. Ferris: Extension of the direct optimization algorithm for noisy functions. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 497-504
22EEGeng Deng, Michael C. Ferris: Adaptation of the UOBYQA algorithm for noisy functions. Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 312-319
21EEMichael C. Ferris, Rikhardur Einarsson, Ziping Jiang, David M. Shepard: Sampling issues for optimization in radiotherapy. Annals OR 148(1): 95-115 (2006)
20EEMichael C. Ferris, Todd S. Munson: Semismooth support vector machines. Math. Program. 101(1): 185-204 (2004)
19EEMichael C. Ferris, Yin Zhang: Foreword: special issue on mathematical programming in biology and medicine. Math. Program. 101(2): 297-299 (2004)
18EEMichael C. Ferris, Meta M. Voelker: Fractionation in radiation treatment planning. Math. Program. 101(2): 387-413 (2004)
17EEMichael C. Ferris, Jinho Lim, David M. Shepard: Radiosurgery Treatment Planning via Nonlinear Programming. Annals OR 119(1-4): 247-260 (2003)
16EEJussara M. Almeida, Derek L. Eager, Michael C. Ferris, Mary K. Vernon: Provisioning Content Distribution Networks for Streaming Media. INFOCOM 2002
15EEQun Chen, Michael C. Ferris, Jeff Linderoth: FATCOP 2.0: Advanced Features in an Opportunistic Mixed Integer Programming Solver. Annals OR 103(1-4): 17-32 (2001)
14EETodd S. Munson, Francisco Facchinei, Michael C. Ferris, Andreas Fischer, Christian Kanzow: The Semismooth Algorithm for Large Scale Complementarity Problems. INFORMS Journal on Computing 13(4): 294-311 (2001)
13EEMichael C. Ferris, Todd S. Munson, Krung Sinapiromsaran: A practical approach to sample-path simulation optimization. Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 795-804
12EEMichael C. Ferris, Michael P. Mesnier, Jorge J. Moré: NEOS and Condor: solving optimization problems over the Internet. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 26(1): 1-18 (2000)
11EEMichael C. Ferris, Andrzej Ruszczynski: Robust path choice in networks with failures. Networks 35(3): 181-194 (2000)
10 Derek L. Eager, Michael C. Ferris, Mary K. Vernon: Optimized caching in systems with heterogeneous client populations. Perform. Eval. 42(2-3): 163-185 (2000)
9 Michael C. Ferris, Jeffrey D. Horn: Partitioning mathematical programs for parallel solution. Math. Program. 80: 35-61 (1998)
8 Stephen C. Billups, Michael C. Ferris: QPCOMP: A quadratic programming based solver for mixed complementarity problems. Math. Program. 76: 533-562 (1996)
7 James V. Burke, Michael C. Ferris: A Gauss-Newton method for convex composite optimization. Math. Program. 71: 179-194 (1995)
6 Michael C. Ferris, Andrew B. Philpott: On affine scaling and semi-infinite programming. Math. Program. 56: 361-364 (1992)
5 Michael C. Ferris, Olvi L. Mangasarian: Minimum principle sufficiency. Math. Program. 57: 1-14 (1992)
4 Kristin P. Bennett, Michael C. Ferris, Yannis E. Ioannidis: A Genetic Algorithm for Database Query Optimization. ICGA 1991: 400-407
3 Michael C. Ferris: Finite termination of the proximal point algorithm. Math. Program. 50: 359-366 (1991)
2 Edward J. Anderson, Michael C. Ferris: A Genetic Algorithm for the Assembly Line Balancing Problem. IPCO 1990: 7-18
1 Edward J. Anderson, Michael C. Ferris: Parallel Genetic Algorithms in Optimization. PPSC 1989: 137-142

Coauthor Index

1Jussara M. Almeida [16]
2Edward J. Anderson [1] [2]
3Kristin P. Bennett [4]
4Stephen C. Billups [8]
5James V. Burke [7]
6Qun Chen [15]
7Geng Deng [22] [23] [24]
8Derek L. Eager [10] [16]
9Rikhardur Einarsson [21]
10Francisco Facchinei [14]
11Andreas Fischer [14]
12Jeffrey D. Horn [9]
13Yannis E. Ioannidis [4]
14Ziping Jiang [21]
15Christian Kanzow [14]
16Jinho Lim [17]
17Jeff T. Linderoth (Jeff Linderoth) [15]
18Olvi L. Mangasarian (O. L. Mangasarian) [5]
19Michael P. Mesnier [12]
20Jorge J. Moré [12]
21Todd S. Munson [13] [14] [20]
22Andrew B. Philpott [6]
23Andrzej Ruszczynski [11]
24David M. Shepard [17] [21]
25Krung Sinapiromsaran [13]
26Mary K. Vernon [10] [16]
27Meta M. Voelker [18]
28Yin Zhang [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)