
Jianghong An

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6 M. Michael Gromiha, Hatsuho Uedaira, Jianghong An, Samuel Selvaraj, Ponraj Prabakaran, Akinori Sarai: ProTherm, Thermodynamic Database for Proteins and Mutants: developments in version 3.0. Nucleic Acids Research 30(1): 301-302 (2002)
5 Ponraj Prabakaran, Jianghong An, M. Michael Gromiha, Samuel Selvaraj, Hatsuho Uedaira, Hidetoshi Kono, Akinori Sarai: Thermodynamic database for protein-nucleic acid interactions (ProNIT). Bioinformatics 17(11): 1027-1034 (2001)
4 M. Michael Gromiha, Jianghong An, Hidetoshi Kono, Motohisa Oobatake, Hatsuho Uedaira, Ponraj Prabakaran, Akinori Sarai: ProTherm, version 2.0: thermodynamic database for proteins and mutants. Nucleic Acids Research 28(1): 283-285 (2000)
3 M. Michael Gromiha, Jianghong An, Hidetoshi Kono, Motohisa Oobatake, Hatsuho Uedaira, Akinori Sarai: ProTherm: Thermodynamic Database for Proteins and Mutants. Nucleic Acids Research 27(1): 286-288 (1999)
2 Jianghong An, T. Nakama, Y. Kubota, Akinori Sarai: 3DinSight: an integrated relational database and search tool for the structure, function and properties of biomolecules. Bioinformatics 14(2): 188-195 (1998)
1 Hironobu Gotoda, Jianghong An, Yuzuru Fujiwara: Analogical Reasoning of Organic Reactions Based on the Structurized Compound-Reaction Diagram. FAPR 1996: 276-290

Coauthor Index

1Yuzuru Fujiwara [1]
2Hironobu Gotoda [1]
3M. Michael Gromiha [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Hidetoshi Kono [3] [4] [5]
5Y. Kubota [2]
6T. Nakama [2]
7Motohisa Oobatake [3] [4]
8Ponraj Prabakaran [4] [5] [6]
9Akinori Sarai [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
10Samuel Selvaraj [5] [6]
11Hatsuho Uedaira [3] [4] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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