
Henning Makholm

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9EEHenning Makholm, J. B. Wells: Instant Polymorphic Type Systems for Mobile Process Calculi: Just Add Reduction Rules and Close. ESOP 2005: 389-407
8EEHenning Makholm, J. B. Wells: Type inference, principal typings, and let-polymorphism for first-class mixin modules. ICFP 2005: 156-167
7 Torben Amtoft, Henning Makholm, J. B. Wells: PolyA: True Type Polymorphism for Mobile Ambients. IFIP TCS 2004: 591604
6EEHenning Makholm, Konstantinos F. Sagonas: On Enabling the WAM with Region Support. ICLP 2002: 163-178
5EEWalid Taha, Henning Makholm, John Hughes: Tag Elimination and Jones-Optimality. PADO 2001: 257-275
4 Fritz Henglein, Henning Makholm, Henning Niss: A Direct Approach to Control-Flow Sensitive Region-Based Memory Management. PPDP 2001: 175-186
3 Henning Makholm: A Region-Based Memory Manager for Prolog. ISMM 2000: 25-34
2EEHenning Makholm: On Jones-Optimal Specialization for Strongly Typed Languages. SAIG 2000: 129-148
1 Arne J. Glenstrup, Henning Makholm, Jens P. Secher: C-MIX: Specialization of C Programs. Partial Evaluation 1998: 108-154

Coauthor Index

1Torben Amtoft (Torben Amtoft Hansen) [7]
2Arne J. Glenstrup [1]
3Fritz Henglein [4]
4John Hughes [5]
5Henning Niss [4]
6Konstantinos F. Sagonas [6]
7Jens P. Secher [1]
8Walid Taha [5]
9J. B. Wells [7] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)