
Roger T. Alexander

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23EEParisa Rashidi, Roger T. Alexander: Onspect: ontology based aspects. FOAL 2008: 41
22 Roger T. Alexander, Stephan Herrmann, Dehla Sokenou: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Testing Aspect-Oriented Programs, held in conjunction with the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2006), WTAOP 2006, Portland, Maine, USA, July 20, 2006 ACM 2006
21EEJon S. Bækken, Roger T. Alexander: A Candidate Fault Model for AspectJ Pointcuts. ISSRE 2006: 169-178
20EEJon S. Bækken, Roger T. Alexander: Towards a fault model for AspectJ programs: step 1 -- pointcut faults. WTAOP 2006: 1-6
19EENathan McEachen, Roger T. Alexander: Distributing classes with woven concerns: an exploration of potential fault scenarios. AOSD 2005: 192-200
18EEEunjee Song, Raghu Reddy, Robert B. France, Indrakshi Ray, Geri Georg, Roger T. Alexander: Verifiable composition of access control and application features. SACMAT 2005: 120-129
17EEAnneliese Amschler Andrews, Jeff Offutt, Roger T. Alexander: Testing Web applications by modeling with FSMs. Software and System Modeling 4(3): 326-345 (2005)
16EERoger T. Alexander, James M. Bieman, Robert B. France: A software engineering research repository. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 29(5): 1-4 (2004)
15EERoger T. Alexander, A. Jefferson Offutt: Coupling-based Testing of O-O Programs. J. UCS 10(4): 391-427 (2004)
14EERoger T. Alexander, James M. Bieman: Editorial: Aspect-Oriented Technology and Software Quality. Software Quality Journal 12(2): 93-97 (2004)
13EEJames M. Bieman, Greg Straw, Huxia Wang, P. Willard Munger, Roger T. Alexander: Design Patterns and Change Proneness: An Examination of Five Evolving Systems. IEEE METRICS 2003: 40-49
12EERamnivas Laddad, Roger T. Alexander: Aspect-Oriented Programming Will Improve Quality / Aspect-Oriented Programming: the Real Costs? IEEE Software 20(6): 90-93 (2003)
11EERoger T. Alexander, Jeff Offutt, James M. Bieman: Syntactic Fault Patterns in OO Programs. ICECCS 2002: 193-202
10EERoger T. Alexander, Jeff Offutt, James M. Bieman: Fault Detection Capabilities of Coupling-based OO Testing. ISSRE 2002: 207-220
9EERoger T. Alexander, James M. Bieman, Sudipto Ghosh, Bixia Ji: Mutation of Java Objects. ISSRE 2002: 341-351
8EEJames M. Bieman, Sudipto Ghosh, Roger T. Alexander: A Technique for Mutation of Java Objects. ASE 2001: 337-340
7EEJeff Offutt, Roger T. Alexander, Ye Wu, Quansheng Xiao, Chuck Hutchinson: A Fault Model for Subtype Inheritance and Polymorphism. ISSRE 2001: 84-95
6EERoger T. Alexander: Improving the Quality of Object-Oriented Programs. IEEE Software 18(5): 90-91 (2001)
5EEA. Jefferson Offutt, Aynur Abdurazik, Roger T. Alexander: An Analysis Tool for Coupling-Based Integration Testing. ICECCS 2000: 172-178
4EERoger T. Alexander, A. Jefferson Offutt: Criteria for Testing Polymorphic Relationships. ISSRE 2000: 15-23
3EEMichelle Lee, A. Jefferson Offutt, Roger T. Alexander: Algorithmic Analysis of the Impacts of Changes to Object-Oriented Software. TOOLS (34) 2000: 61-70
2 Roger T. Alexander, James M. Bieman, John Viega: Coping with Java Programming Stress. IEEE Computer 33(4): 30-38 (2000)
1EERoger T. Alexander, A. Jefferson Offutt: Analysis Techniques for Testing Polymorphic Relationships. TOOLS (30) 1999: 104-

Coauthor Index

1Aynur Abdurazik [5]
2Anneliese Amschler Andrews (Anneliese von Mayrhauser) [17]
3Jon S. Bækken [20] [21]
4James M. Bieman [2] [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14] [16]
5Robert B. France [16] [18]
6Geri Georg [18]
7Sudipto Ghosh [8] [9]
8Stephan Herrmann [22]
9Chuck Hutchinson [7]
10Bixia Ji [9]
11Ramnivas Laddad [12]
12Michelle Lee [3]
13Nathan McEachen [19]
14P. Willard Munger [13]
15A. Jefferson Offutt (Jeff Offutt) [1] [3] [4] [5] [7] [10] [11] [15] [17]
16Parisa Rashidi [23]
17Indrakshi Ray [18]
18Raghu Reddy (Raghu Y. Reddy) [18]
19Dehla Sokenou [22]
20Eunjee Song [18]
21Greg Straw [13]
22John Viega [2]
23Huxia Wang [13]
24Ye Wu [7]
25Quansheng Xiao [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)