
Alberto Albiol

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10EEDavid Monzo, Alberto Albiol, Jorge Sastre, Antonio Albiol: HOG-EBGM vs. Gabor-EBGM. ICIP 2008: 1636-1639
9EEAlberto Albiol, David Monzo, Antoine Martin, Jorge Sastre, Antonio Albiol: Face recognition using HOG-EBGM. Pattern Recognition Letters 29(10): 1537-1543 (2008)
8EECüneyt M. Taskiran, Alberto Albiol, Luis Torres, Edward J. Delp: Detection of unique people in news programs using multimodal shot clustering. ICIP 2004: 697-700
7EECüneyt M. Taskiran, Jau-Yuen Chen, Alberto Albiol, Luis Torres, Charles A. Bouman, Edward J. Delp: ViBE: a compressed video database structured for active browsing and search. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 6(1): 103-118 (2004)
6EEAlberto Albiol, Luis Torres, Edward J. Delp: Video Preprocessing for Audiovisual Indexing. SSIAI 2002: 57-61
5EEAlberto Albiol, Luis Torres, Edward J. Delp: A Fast Anchor Person Searching Scheme in News Sequences. AVBPA 2001: 366-372
4EEAlberto Albiol, Luis Torres, Edward J. Delp: Optimum color spaces for skin detection. ICIP (1) 2001: 122-124
3EEAlberto Albiol, Luis Torres, Edward J. Delp: An unsupervised color image segmentation algorithm for face detection applications. ICIP (2) 2001: 681-684
2 Alberto Albiol, Luis Torres, Charles A. Bouman, Edward J. Delp: A Simple and Efficient Face Detection Algorithm for Video Database Applications. ICIP 2000
1 Alberto Albiol, Charles A. Bouman, Edward J. Delp: Face Detection for Pseudo-Semantic Labeling in Video Databases. ICIP (3) 1999: 607-611

Coauthor Index

1Antonio Albiol [9] [10]
2Charles A. Bouman [1] [2] [7]
3Jau-Yuen Chen [7]
4Edward J. Delp [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
5Antoine Martin [9]
6David Monzo [9] [10]
7Jorge Sastre [9] [10]
8Cüneyt M. Taskiran [7] [8]
9Luis Torres [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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