
Jalal Al-Muhtadi

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21EEAiman Erbad, Michael Blackstock, Adrian Friday, Rodger Lea, Jalal Al-Muhtadi: MAGIC Broker: A Middleware Toolkit for Interactive Public Displays. PerCom 2008: 509-514
20EEJalal Al-Muhtadi, Raquel L. Hill, Roy H. Campbell, M. Dennis Mickunas: Context and Location-Aware Encryption for Pervasive Computing Environments. PerCom Workshops 2006: 283-289
19EEJerry O. Talton, Daniel L. Peterson, Sam Kamin, Deborah Israel, Jalal Al-Muhtadi: Scavenger hunt: computer science retention through orientation. SIGCSE 2006: 443-447
18EEAdrian Friday, Manuel Román, Christian Becker, Jalal Al-Muhtadi: Guidelines and open issues in systems support for Ubicomp: reflections on UbiSys 2003 and 2004. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 10(1): 1-3 (2006)
17EEZahid Anwar, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, William Yurcik, Roy H. Campbell: Plethora: A Framework for Converting Generic Applications to Run in a Ubiquitous Environment. MobiQuitous 2005: 192-201
16EEEllick Chan, Jim Bresler, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, Roy H. Campbell: Gaia Microserver: An Extendable Mobile Middleware Platform. PerCom 2005: 309-313
15EEAnand Ranganathan, Shiva Chetan, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, Roy H. Campbell, M. Dennis Mickunas: Olympus: A High-Level Programming Model for Pervasive Computing Environments. PerCom 2005: 7-16
14EEAnand Ranganathan, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, Jacob T. Biehl, Brian Ziebart, Roy H. Campbell, Brian P. Bailey: Towards a Pervasive Computing Benchmark. PerCom Workshops 2005: 194-198
13EEJim Bresler, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, Roy H. Campbell: Gaia Mobility: Extending Active Space Boundaries to Everyday Devices. ICDCS Workshops 2004: 430-433
12EEAnand Ranganathan, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, Shiva Chetan, Roy H. Campbell, M. Dennis Mickunas: MiddleWhere: A Middleware for Location Awareness in Ubiquitous Computing Applications. Middleware 2004: 397-416
11EEJalal Al-Muhtadi, Shiva Chetan, Anand Ranganathan, Roy H. Campbell: Super Spaces: A Middleware for Large-Scale Pervasive Computing Environments. PerCom Workshops 2004: 198-202
10EEChad Peiper, Ellick Chan, Roy H. Campbell, Jim Bresler, Jalal Al-Muhtadi: Expanding Education through Active Space Collaboration. PerCom Workshops 2004: 236-240
9EERaquel L. Hill, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, Roy H. Campbell, Apu Kapadia, Prasad Naldurg, Anand Ranganathan: A Middleware Architecture for Securing Ubiquitous Computing Cyber Infrastructures. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 5(9): (2004)
8EEAbad A. Shah, Farshad Fotouhi, William I. Grosky, Jalal Al-Muhtadi: Operators of the temporal object system and their implementation. Inf. Sci. 158: 37-68 (2004)
7EEJalal Al-Muhtadi, Anand Ranganathan, Roy H. Campbell, M. Dennis Mickunas: Cerberus: A Context-Aware Security Scheme for Smart Spaces. PerCom 2003: 489-
6EEJalal Al-Muhtadi, Roy H. Campbell, Apu Kapadia, M. Dennis Mickunas, Seung Yi: Routing Through the Mist: Privacy Preserving Communication in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. ICDCS 2002: 74-83
5EEJalal Al-Muhtadi, Anand Ranganathan, Roy H. Campbell, M. Dennis Mickunas: A Flexible, Privacy-Preserving Authentication Framework for Ubiquitous Computing Environments. ICDCS Workshops 2002: 771-776
4EERoy H. Campbell, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, Prasad Naldurg, Geetanjali Sampemane, M. Dennis Mickunas: Towards Security and Privacy for Pervasive Computing. ISSS 2002: 1-15
3EEJalal Al-Muhtadi, M. Dennis Mickunas, Roy H. Campbell: Wearable Security Services. ICDCS Workshops 2001: 266-271
2EEJalal Al-Muhtadi, Manish Anand, M. Dennis Mickunas, Roy H. Campbell: Secure Smart Homes using Jini and UIUC SESAME. ACSAC 2000: 77-
1 Apu Kapadia, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, Roy H. Campbell, M. Dennis Mickunas: IRBAC 2000: Secure Interoperability Using Dynamic Role Translation. International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 231-238

Coauthor Index

1Manish Anand [2]
2Zahid Anwar [17]
3Brian P. Bailey [14]
4Christian Becker [18]
5Jacob T. Biehl [14]
6Michael Blackstock [21]
7Jim Bresler [10] [13] [16]
8Roy H. Campbell [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [20]
9Ellick Chan [10] [16]
10Shiva Chetan [11] [12] [15]
11Aiman Erbad [21]
12Farshad Fotouhi [8]
13Adrian Friday [18] [21]
14William I. Grosky (Bill Grosky) [8]
15Raquel L. Hill [9] [20]
16Deborah Israel [19]
17Samuel N. Kamin (Sam Kamin) [19]
18Apu Kapadia [1] [6] [9]
19Rodger Lea [21]
20M. Dennis Mickunas [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [12] [15] [20]
21Prasad Naldurg [4] [9]
22Chad Peiper [10]
23Daniel L. Peterson [19]
24Anand Ranganathan [5] [7] [9] [11] [12] [14] [15]
25Manuel Román [18]
26Geetanjali Sampemane [4]
27Abad A. Shah [8]
28Jerry O. Talton [19]
29Seung Yi [6]
30William Yurcik [17]
31Brian Ziebart [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)