
Jacob T. Biehl

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9EEJacob T. Biehl, William T. Baker, Brian P. Bailey, Desney S. Tan, Kori M. Inkpen, Mary Czerwinski: Impromptu: a new interaction framework for supporting collaboration in multiple display environments and its field evaluation for co-located software development. CHI 2008: 939-948
8EEBrian P. Bailey, Jacob T. Biehl, Damon J. Cook, Heather Metcalf: Adapting paper prototyping for designing user interfaces for multiple display environments. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 12(3): 269-277 (2008)
7EEJacob T. Biehl, Mary Czerwinski, Greg Smith, George G. Robertson: FASTDash: a visual dashboard for fostering awareness in software teams. CHI 2007: 1313-1322
6EEJacob T. Biehl, Brian P. Bailey: Improving interfaces for managing applications in multiple-device environments. AVI 2006: 35-42
5EEJacob T. Biehl, Brian P. Bailey: Improving scalability and awareness in iconic interfaces for multiple-device environments. AVI 2006: 91-94
4EEJacob T. Biehl, Piotr D. Adamczyk, Brian P. Bailey: DJogger: a mobile dynamic music device. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 556-561
3EEJacob T. Biehl, Brian P. Bailey: A Toolset for Creating Iconic Interfaces for Interactive Workspaces. INTERACT 2005: 699-712
2EEAnand Ranganathan, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, Jacob T. Biehl, Brian Ziebart, Roy H. Campbell, Brian P. Bailey: Towards a Pervasive Computing Benchmark. PerCom Workshops 2005: 194-198
1 Jacob T. Biehl, Brian P. Bailey: ARIS: An Interface for Application Relocation in an Interactive Space. Graphics Interface 2004: 107-116

Coauthor Index

1Piotr D. Adamczyk [4]
2Jalal Al-Muhtadi [2]
3Brian P. Bailey [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9]
4William T. Baker [9]
5Roy H. Campbell [2]
6Damon J. Cook [8]
7Mary Czerwinski [7] [9]
8Kori Inkpen (Kori M. Inkpen) [9]
9Heather Metcalf [8]
10Anand Ranganathan [2]
11George G. Robertson [7]
12Greg Smith [7]
13Desney S. Tan [9]
14Brian Ziebart [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)