
Ki-Yong Ahn

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3EEJae-Gon Lee, Moo-Kyoung Chung, Ki-Yong Ahn, Sang-Heon Lee, Chong-Min Kyung: A Prediction Packetizing Scheme for Reducing Channel Traffic in Transaction-Level Hardware/Software Co-Emulation CoRR abs/0710.4701: (2007)
2EEJae-Gon Lee, Moo-Kyoung Chung, Ki-Yong Ahn, Sang-Heon Lee, Chong-Min Kyung: A Prediction Packetizing Scheme for Reducing Channel Traffic in Transaction-Level Hardware/Software Co-Emulation. DATE 2005: 384-389
1EEKi-Yong Ahn, D. H. Kim, S. W. Nam: Nonlinear echo cancellation using an expanded correlation LMS algorithm. ISCAS (4) 2005: 3371-3374

Coauthor Index

1Moo-Kyoung Chung [2] [3]
2D. H. Kim [1]
3Chong-Min Kyung [2] [3]
4Jae-Gon Lee [2] [3]
5Sang-Heon Lee [2] [3]
6S. W. Nam [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)