
Tanvir Ahmed

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17EETanvir Ahmed, Anand R. Tripathi: Specification and verification of security requirements in a programming model for decentralized CSCW systems. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 10(2): (2007)
16EEAnand R. Tripathi, Devdatta Kulkarni, Harsha Talkad, Muralidhar Koka, Sandeep Karanth, Tanvir Ahmed, Ivan Osipkov: Autonomic configuration and recovery in a mobile agent-based distributed event monitoring system. Softw., Pract. Exper. 37(5): 493-522 (2007)
15EEAnand R. Tripathi, Devdatta Kulkarni, Tanvir Ahmed: Exception Handling in CSCW Applications in Pervasive Computing Environments. Advanced Topics in Exception Handling Techniques 2006: 161-180
14EEAnand R. Tripathi, Devdatta Kulkarni, Tanvir Ahmed: Policy-Driven Configuration and Management of Agent Based Distributed Systems. SELMAS 2005: 1-16
13EEAnand Tripathi, Devdatta Kulkarni, Tanvir Ahmed: Policy-driven configuration and management of agent based distributed systems. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-7 (2005)
12EEAnand R. Tripathi, Devdatta Kulkarni, Tanvir Ahmed: A specification model for context-based collaborative applications. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 1(1): 21-42 (2005)
11EEAnand R. Tripathi, Muralidhar Koka, Sandeep Karanth, Ivan Osipkov, Harsha Talkad, Tanvir Ahmed, D. Johnson, S. Dier: Robustness and Security in a Mobile-Agent Based Network Monitoring System. ICAC 2004: 320-321
10EEAnand R. Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, Devdatta Kulkarni, Richa Kumar, Komal Kashiramka: Context-Based Secure Resource Access in Pervasive Computing Environments. PerCom Workshops 2004: 159-163
9EEAnand R. Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, Richa Kumar: Specification of Secure Distributed Collaboration Systems. ISADS 2003: 149-156
8EETanvir Ahmed, Anand R. Tripathi: Static verification of security requirements in role based CSCW systems. SACMAT 2003: 196-203
7EEAnand R. Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, Richa Kumar, Shremattie Jaman: Design of a Policy-Driven Middleware for Secure Distributed Collaboration. ICDCS 2002: 393-400
6EEAnand Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, Sumedh Pathak, Megan Carney, Paul Dokas: Paradigms for mobile agent based active monitoring of network systems. NOMS 2002: 65-78
5EEAnand R. Tripathi, Muralidhar Koka, Sandeep Karanth, Abhijit Pathak, Tanvir Ahmed: Secure Multi-agent Coordination in a Network Monitoring System. SELMAS 2002: 251-266
4EEAnand R. Tripathi, Neeran M. Karnik, Tanvir Ahmed, Ram D. Singh, Arvind Prakash, Vineet Kakani, Manish K. Vora, Mukta Pathak: Design of the Ajanta system for mobile agent programming. Journal of Systems and Software 62(2): 123-140 (2002)
3EEAnand R. Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, Neeran M. Karnik: Experiences and future challenges in mobile agent programming. Microprocessors and Microsystems 25(2): 121-129 (2001)
2 Anand R. Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, Vineet Kakani, Shremattie Jaman: Distributed Collaborations Using Network Mobile Agents. ASA/MA 2000: 126-137
1EEAnand R. Tripathi, Neeran M. Karnik, Manish K. Vora, Tanvir Ahmed, Ram D. Singh: Mobile Agent Programming in Ajanta. ICDCS 1999: 190-197

Coauthor Index

1Megan Carney [6]
2S. Dier [11]
3Paul Dokas [6]
4Shremattie Jaman [2] [7]
5D. Johnson [11]
6Vineet Kakani [2] [4]
7Sandeep Karanth [5] [11] [16]
8Neeran M. Karnik [1] [3] [4]
9Komal Kashiramka [10]
10Muralidhar Koka [5] [11] [16]
11Devdatta Kulkarni [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
12Richa Kumar [7] [9] [10]
13Ivan Osipkov [11] [16]
14Abhijit Pathak [5]
15Mukta Pathak [4]
16Sumedh Pathak [6]
17Arvind Prakash [4]
18Ram D. Singh [1] [4]
19Harsha Talkad [11] [16]
20Anand R. Tripathi (Anand Tripathi) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
21Manish K. Vora [1] [4]

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