
Mark Adkins

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27EEJoel H. Helquist, John Kruse, Mark Adkins: Participant-Driven Collaborative Convergence. HICSS 2008: 20
26EEMariëlle den Hengst, Mark Adkins: Which collaboration patterns are most challenging: A global survey of facilitators. HICSS 2007: 17
25EEDouglas P. Twitchell, David P. Biros, Mark Adkins, Nicole Forsgren, Judee K. Burgoon, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.: Automated Determination of the Veracity of Interview Statements from People of Interest to an Operational Security Force. HICSS 2006
24EEChristie M. Fuller, David P. Biros, Mark Adkins, Judee K. Burgoon, Jay F. Nunamaker, Steven Coulon: Detecting Deception in Person-of-Interest Statements. ISI 2006: 504-509
23EEDavid P. Biros, Jachin Sakamoto, Joey F. George, Mark Adkins, John Kruse, Judee K. Burgoon, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.: A Quasi-experiment to Determine the Impact of a Computer Based Deception Detection Training System: The Use of Agent99 Trainer in the U.S. Military. HICSS 2005
22EEJudee K. Burgoon, Mark Adkins, John Kruse, Matthew L. Jensen, Thomas O. Meservy, Douglas P. Twitchell, Amit V. Deokar, Jay F. Nunamaker, Shan Lu, Gabriel Tsechpenakis, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Robert Younger: An Approach for Intent Identification by Building on Deception Detection. HICSS 2005
21EEJohn Kruse, Mark Adkins, Kimberly A. Holloman: Network Centric Warfare in the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet. HICSS 2005
20EEDouglas P. Twitchell, Karl Wiers, Mark Adkins, Judee K. Burgoon, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.: StrikeCOM: A Multi-Player Online Strategy Game for Researching and Teaching Group Dynamics. HICSS 2005
19EEDavid P. Biros, Michael C. Hass, Karl Wiers, Douglas P. Twitchell, Mark Adkins, Judee K. Burgoon, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.: Task Performance Under Deceptive Conditions: Using Military Scenarios in Deception Detection Research. HICSS 2005
18EEMariëlle den Hengst, Mark Adkins: The Demand Rate of Facilitation Functions. HICSS 2005
17EEGabriel Tsechpenakis, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Mark Adkins, John Kruse, Judee K. Burgoon, Matthew L. Jensen, Thomas O. Meservy, Douglas P. Twitchell, Amit V. Deokar, Jay F. Nunamaker: HMM-Based Deception Recognition from Visual Cues. ICME 2005: 824-827
16EEMark Adkins, John Kruse, Robert Younger: A Language Technology Toolset for Development of a Large Group Augmented Facilitation System. HICSS 2004
15 Jinwei Cao, Ming Lin, Amit V. Deokar, Judee K. Burgoon, Janna M. Crews, Mark Adkins: Computer-Based Training for Deception Detection: What Users Want? ISI 2004: 163-175
14 Joey F. George, David P. Biros, Mark Adkins, Judee K. Burgoon, Jay F. Nunamaker: Testing Various Modes of Computer-Based Training for Deception Detection. ISI 2004: 411-417
13EEMark Adkins, Robert Younger, Roger Schwarz: Information Technology Augmentation of The Skilled Facilitator Approach. HICSS 2003: 42
12EEMark Adkins, Michael Burgoon, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.: Using group support systems for strategic planning with the United States Air Force. Decision Support Systems 34(3): 315-337 (2003)
11EEMark Adkins, John Kruse, Robert Younger: Ubiquitous Computing: Omnipresent Technology in Support of Network Centric Warfare. HICSS 2002: 40
10EEJohn Kruse, Mark Adkins, Robert O. Briggs: Applying the Technology Transition Model to GSS Fielding. HICSS 2001
9EEMark Adkins, John Kruse, Laurie E. Damianos, Jo Ann Brooks, Robert Younger, Eric Rasmussen, Yelena M. Rennie, Beatrice T. Oshika, Jay F. Nunamaker: Experience using Collaborative Technology with the United Nations and Multi-National Militaries: Rim of the Pacific 2000 Strong Angel Exercise in Humanitarian Assistance. HICSS 2001
8EEMark Adkins, John Kruse, Terry McKenna, Arthur Cuyugan, Jay F. Nunamaker, Scott Miller, Eric Rasmussen, Robert Younger: Experiences Developing a Virtual Environment to Support Disaster Relief with the United States Navy's Commander Third Fleet. HICSS 2000
7EEMark Adkins, Jeannette Q. Reinig, John Kruse, Daniel D. Mittleman: GSS Collaboration in Document Development: Using GroupWriter to Improve the Process. HICSS 1999
6EERobert O. Briggs, Mark Adkins, John Kruse, Jay F. Nunamaker, Daniel D. Mittleman, Scott Miller: Lessons Learned using a Technology Transition Model with the US Navy. HICSS 1999
5EERobert O. Briggs, Daniel D. Mittleman, N. Weinstein, Jay F. Nunamaker, Mark Adkins: Collaborative Technology for the Sea-Based Warfighter: A Field Study of GSS Adoption and Diffusion. HICSS (1) 1998: 505-514
4EEMark Adkins, R. Shearer, Jay F. Nunamaker, J. Romero, F. Simcox: Experiences Using Group Support Systems to Improve Strategic Planning in the Air Force . HICSS (1) 1998: 515-524
3EEZlatko Lagumdzija, Mark Adkins, Doug Vogel: Rebuilding Sarajevo Using Partnerships. HICSS (2) 1997: 479-485
2EEMark Aakhus, Mark Adkins, Melissa Sue Glynn: Layers of Learning: Facilitation in the Distributed Classroom. HICSS (2) 1997: 598-609
1EEWilliam E. Boyd, Winton D. Wood, Mark Adkins, Daniel D. Mittleman: Investigating the Impact of Advanced Technology on Trials: The Courtroom as a Classroom. HICSS (3) 1996: 332-

Coauthor Index

1Mark Aakhus [2]
2David P. Biros [14] [19] [23] [24] [25]
3William E. Boyd [1]
4Robert O. Briggs [5] [6] [10]
5Jo Ann Brooks [9]
6Judee K. Burgoon [14] [15] [17] [19] [20] [22] [23] [24] [25]
7Michael Burgoon [12]
8Jinwei Cao [15]
9Steven Coulon [24]
10Janna M. Crews [15]
11Arthur Cuyugan [8]
12Laurie E. Damianos [9]
13Amit V. Deokar [15] [17] [22]
14Nicole Forsgren [25]
15Christie M. Fuller [24]
16Joey F. George [14] [23]
17Melissa Sue Glynn [2]
18Michael C. Hass [19]
19Joel H. Helquist [27]
20Mariëlle den Hengst [18] [26]
21Kimberly A. Holloman [21]
22Matthew L. Jensen [17] [22]
23John Kruse [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [16] [17] [21] [22] [23] [27]
24Zlatko Lagumdzija [3]
25Ming Lin [15]
26Shan Lu [22]
27Terry McKenna [8]
28Thomas O. Meservy [17] [22]
29Dimitris N. Metaxas [17] [22]
30Scott Miller [6] [8]
31Daniel D. Mittleman [1] [5] [6] [7]
32Jay F. Nunamaker (Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.) [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [12] [14] [17] [19] [20] [22] [23] [24] [25]
33Beatrice T. Oshika [9]
34Eric Rasmussen [8] [9]
35Jeannette Q. Reinig [7]
36Yelena M. Rennie [9]
37J. Romero [4]
38Jachin Sakamoto [23]
39Roger Schwarz [13]
40R. Shearer [4]
41F. Simcox [4]
42Gabriel Tsechpenakis [17] [22]
43Douglas P. Twitchell [17] [19] [20] [22] [25]
44Douglas R. Vogel (Doug Vogel) [3]
45N. Weinstein [5]
46Karl Wiers [19] [20]
47Winton D. Wood [1]
48Robert Younger [8] [9] [11] [13] [16] [22]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)