
Douglas P. Twitchell

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12EEDouglas P. Twitchell, David P. Biros, Mark Adkins, Nicole Forsgren, Judee K. Burgoon, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.: Automated Determination of the Veracity of Interview Statements from People of Interest to an Operational Security Force. HICSS 2006
11EEDouglas P. Twitchell: Social engineering in information assurance curricula. InfoSecCD 2006: 191-193
10EEJudee K. Burgoon, Mark Adkins, John Kruse, Matthew L. Jensen, Thomas O. Meservy, Douglas P. Twitchell, Amit V. Deokar, Jay F. Nunamaker, Shan Lu, Gabriel Tsechpenakis, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Robert Younger: An Approach for Intent Identification by Building on Deception Detection. HICSS 2005
9EEDouglas P. Twitchell, Karl Wiers, Mark Adkins, Judee K. Burgoon, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.: StrikeCOM: A Multi-Player Online Strategy Game for Researching and Teaching Group Dynamics. HICSS 2005
8EEDavid P. Biros, Michael C. Hass, Karl Wiers, Douglas P. Twitchell, Mark Adkins, Judee K. Burgoon, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.: Task Performance Under Deceptive Conditions: Using Military Scenarios in Deception Detection Research. HICSS 2005
7EEGabriel Tsechpenakis, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Mark Adkins, John Kruse, Judee K. Burgoon, Matthew L. Jensen, Thomas O. Meservy, Douglas P. Twitchell, Amit V. Deokar, Jay F. Nunamaker: HMM-Based Deception Recognition from Visual Cues. ICME 2005: 824-827
6EEDouglas P. Twitchell, Nicole Forsgren, Karl Wiers, Judee K. Burgoon, Jay F. Nunamaker: Detecting Deception in Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication Using Speech Act Profiling. ISI 2005: 471-478
5EEThomas O. Meservy, Matthew L. Jensen, John Kruse, Douglas P. Twitchell, Judee K. Burgoon, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.: Deception Detection through Automatic, Unobtrusive Analysis of Nonverbal Behavior. IEEE Intelligent Systems 20(5): 36-43 (2005)
4EEDouglas P. Twitchell, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.: Speech Act Pro.ling: A Probabilistic Method for Analyzing Persistent Conversations and Their Participants. HICSS 2004
3 Douglas P. Twitchell, Jay F. Nunamaker, Judee K. Burgoon: Using Speech Act Profiling for Deception Detection. ISI 2004: 403-410
2EELina Zhou, Douglas P. Twitchell, Tiantian Qin, Judee K. Burgoon, Jay F. Nunamaker: An Exploratory Study into Deception Detection in Text-Based Computer-Mediated Communication. HICSS 2003: 44
1EELina Zhou, Judee K. Burgoon, Douglas P. Twitchell: A Longitudinal Analysis of Language Behavior of Deception in E-mail. ISI 2003: 102-110

Coauthor Index

1Mark Adkins [7] [8] [9] [10] [12]
2David P. Biros [8] [12]
3Judee K. Burgoon [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12]
4Amit V. Deokar [7] [10]
5Nicole Forsgren [6] [12]
6Michael C. Hass [8]
7Matthew L. Jensen [5] [7] [10]
8John Kruse [5] [7] [10]
9Shan Lu [10]
10Thomas O. Meservy [5] [7] [10]
11Dimitris N. Metaxas [5] [7] [10]
12Jay F. Nunamaker (Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.) [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12]
13Tiantian Qin [2]
14Gabriel Tsechpenakis [7] [10]
15Karl Wiers [6] [8] [9]
16Robert Younger [10]
17Lina Zhou [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)