
Beatrice T. Oshika

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5EEMark Adkins, John Kruse, Laurie E. Damianos, Jo Ann Brooks, Robert Younger, Eric Rasmussen, Yelena M. Rennie, Beatrice T. Oshika, Jay F. Nunamaker: Experience using Collaborative Technology with the United Nations and Multi-National Militaries: Rim of the Pacific 2000 Strong Angel Exercise in Humanitarian Assistance. HICSS 2001
4EERonald Cole, Mike Noel, Daniel C. Burnett, Mark A. Fanty, Terri Lander, Beatrice T. Oshika, Stephen Sutton: Corpus Development Activities at the Center for Spoken Language Understanding. HLT 1994
3 Beatrice T. Oshika, Sylvia C. Krausse: Electronic Databases for Linguistic and Language Research. Library Trends 40(4): (1992)
2EEBeatrice T. Oshika, Filip Machi, Bruce Evans, Janet Tom: Computational Techniques For Improved Name Search. ANLP 1988: 203-210
1EEBeatrice T. Oshika, Bruce Evans, Filip Machi, Janet Tom: Improved Retrieval of Foreign Names from Large Databases. ICDE 1988: 480-487

Coauthor Index

1Mark Adkins [5]
2Jo Ann Brooks [5]
3Daniel C. Burnett [4]
4Ronald Cole [4]
5Laurie E. Damianos [5]
6Bruce Evans [1] [2]
7Mark A. Fanty [4]
8Sylvia C. Krausse [3]
9John Kruse [5]
10Terri Lander [4]
11Filip Machi [1] [2]
12Mike Noel [4]
13Jay F. Nunamaker (Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.) [5]
14Eric Rasmussen [5]
15Yelena M. Rennie [5]
16Stephen Sutton [4]
17Janet Tom [1] [2]
18Robert Younger [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)